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They walked back into her home hand in hand, Derek couldn't believe she was in fact his, in a way. He knew they weren't official or a thing yet, he wanted to treat her how she deserved, with coffee dates and nice dinners, he wanted to explore with her, show her his favourite hiking routes.

He could see based on Mark's facial expression that he had been grilled by Amelia and Addison. Meredith felt different, it was something about her that made him feel so connected, so drawn to him.

"I'll be back"She planted a soft kiss to his cheek and wandered off to her room. Leaving him starting blankly where she had been. 

Mark apologised over and over, of course he didn't say it to hurt Derek he just couldn't keep thoughts out of his head. A part of him was slightly jealous, Derek wasn't even trying to find anyone when he connected with the beauty. She wasn't even is usual type. Derek was normally one for brunettes. 

Mark could see the chemisty and he wanted nothing more than for Derek to be happy, but as any man would be he was envious.

Amelia couldn't stop mentioning the undeniable connection, she wanted to piss Mark off but she also wanted Derek to realise that he had already established a strong connection.

They sat ready for the game, Derek had sat on the larger sofa with Addison. Mark and Amelia sat on one of the smaller sofa's each.

He had learnt the pattern of her footsteps, so as he heard the light steps on the floor he of course turned. He found himself smiling as she walked in with black leggings on, a white cropped top and a grey duster cardigan. 

She didn't even think about where to sit, she comfortably placed herself between Addison and Derek who instantly pulled her closer.

His fingers became lost in her hair, he wasn't one for affection but he felt different, he was different with her.

"You are so beautiful"Derek whispered into her ear. Amelia watched the cute interaction her brother was sharing.

"You are too kind, also thank you for the shirts"The bag he had left in her room earlier that evening had contained three of his shirts.  

"You look better in them than I do. Watch the game"He pointed to the television.

"You are more interesting than the game"She huffed causing him to laugh. He placed a kiss to her forehead as she settled her head on his shoulder.

She was so comfortable until he and Mark jumped up over a supposed foul in the game.

"Addie will let me rest"She pouted, she was about to turn when Derek pulled her back.

"I'll keep you warm"His breath hit her neck, she felt a strange sense at the pit of her stomach. She felt so happy and content.

He wasn't wrong, his body heat radiated onto her providing the perfect rest point. She felt safe as he wrapped his arms tightly around her.

After the first game she felt exhausted, she had the biggest headache and her stomach felt like it had been turned inside out.

She had been fine before but something had caused the sudden feeling of illness. 

"You okay?"Derek asked having noticed her shivering. She looked up and nodded not wanting to ruin the game for him. "Be honest" He added as she had days before.

"I feel sick and have a migraine" she admitted quietly. He knew the noise wouldn't help her, his priority was her. He stood up which confused her until he scooped her into his arms. Addison nodded at him with a smile as he carried Meredith away.

He walked her to her bedroom, placing her on the bed he searched the drawer beside her bed to find an anti sickness tablet and a painkiller.

"I am going to close these Mer, the light won't help"He was so soft as he spoke to her.

"Derek the game, you will miss it" She began, he shook his head. He grabbed the black cotton t-shirt he had given her from the side. 

"Get some bottoms on okay, you are having a rest. I will go get you some water. I will hold you. You are my priority Meredith. I don't care how long it has been YOU and only you are my priority right now" He walked out of her room to allow her a moment to change.

Addison informed him how Meredith panics when she is sick and how she will apologise. She told him how Meredith would have a nightmare after the painkiller and how she would cry.

"Sorry"She instantly said as he settled next to her, he handed her the two pills which she swallowed together.

"Nah ah nah. No sorries we said. Come on princess" He helped her get cosy beneath the duvet. 

"Atleast put the game on in here. You can't miss it"She pouted, eventually he gave in and turned on the tv.

Meredith knew she had just had a panic earlier, which caused the headache and sickness. She also knew she had been working so hard for weeks. She was dedicated to her art work and clients. She had over done it and now her body was demanding a rest. 


After hours of sleep her eyes flickered open, her head still resting on his chest, he was watching something on the television that made him laugh. Ruby and Poppy had both settled beside her .

He had a gentle yet firm hold on her, he had held her close as he had promised, he hadn't let go even when she thrashed within a nightmare.

She was simply amazed by him, how soft and tender he was, how he cared even though he didn't have to.

"My sleepy head"Derek smiled as she opened her eyes fully. Meredith returned a soft look as she settled her head back on his chest. "You don't have to move Mer. They are all watching some other games. I would rather have this on and hold you" 

He was a different person to what she had expected, she expected coolness, she expected him to be cold hearted and angry. She hadn't expected a person so warm, so tenative, so kind and caring.

She looked up at him knowing that having found him was like winning the lottery jackpot. Her heart was warm and her tummy fuzzy. 

She knew it would take time for them both to open up to what they could be but nothing bought her more joy then imagining aventuring with him by her side.

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