Chapter 42- Thinking Logically

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WARNINGS: Slight Violence; Homicidal Ideations

I was going to call Theo when I got news of another mission. Now instead of calling my son as planned, I'm out chasing a bad guy. Natasha, Tony, and Clint were also assigned to the mission, so at least it was entertaining.

"I got baggage," Clint said, revealing he took down his load of people, "Is everyone else okay?"

I tackled my last guy and fought him to the ground. He pulled out a blade and stabbed me in the ribs. I grimaced and punched his jaw, making him let go. I pulled the blade out as the guy started laughing.

"I should've shot that other girl in the head when I had a chance," the guy taunted.

I froze for a moment and stared at him.

"What did you say," I asked, my eyes flashing red.

The guy spat in my face. I grabbed him by his neck and squeezed.

"Kill him... He deserves to die. Kill him!"

My grip tightened as he began choking and changing color from lack of oxygen.

"Archangel," Tony snapped, grabbing my attention, "Stand down!"

I looked at the guy I had in my grip and let go slowly. I stood up and walked away.

"He's all yours," I said, patting the suit Tony had on.

I walked towards the ride as I felt my adrenaline still pumping in my ears. I was going to kill that man. That's never happened to me.

Back at headquarters, I spoke with Steve and Fury about the mission before being dismissed.

"Hey, y/n!"

I turned around to face Peter Parker, making me smile.

"Hey kid," I smiled, "Does Stark know you're here?"


"Parker," I said, my voice giving a warning tone.

"He doesn't but I wanted to meet with you," Peter confessed, "I wanted to talk. If you had a chance? Unless you're busy which I completely understand."

"I got time," I smiled, "What's up?"

"So you're a kickass superhero, right," Peter said, making me nod, "I was wondering, was it hard? You know, caring but not caring? Because I care but sometimes I wonder if I care too much. You know what I mean?"

"I do," I reassured, "I know the feeling a lot more than you'd think. After a while, I learned to shut off a part of my emotions and just think logically. Although, honestly speaking, it still happens to get the better of me. Why? Are you having issues?"

"I just think I care too much," Peter said, sighing, "I want to help but I feel like I'm draining myself as well. I never have time for those I love anymore and when I do it's usually for a brief moment. I'm always running around and... I'm tired a little. Sorry, I probably sound like a pity case."

"You don't," I said, "I know the pain. I wanted to talk to my son for example and I got stuck on a goddamn mission. I had to choose between speaking with him or doing a mission, and I chose the mission. I feel pretty shitty, to say the least."

Peter nodded slowly as a way of showing his understanding.

"Take some time for yourself," I suggested, touching his shoulder gently, "Just relax and be there for your family and friends. I know it seems damn near impossible but you never know when you'll get another chance. Especially in this line of work. You deserve for once, Spiderman."

Peter smiled brightly at me using his title.

"I think you do too, Archangel," Peter said, "Your kids probably miss you a lot. I think you should go visit them for a while. You've done quite a lot here already. So you should take some time for yourself as well."

"Thanks, Parker," I said, watching him walk away.

I knitted my eyebrows, realizing he was right. I've sucessfully completed over 6 missions and taken down countless. I deserve some time with my family back home! I went to find Fury.

"I want time off," I said, "I want to visit my kids and family. For a week..."

"Take a month," Fury interrupted, "We'll call if you're needed before then."

"Really," I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Yes... Were you expecting to be trapped here, y/n," Fury asked, giving a look of slight annoyance.

"Honestly, yes sir," I said, "But thanks!"

I quickly went to my room before he had a chance to take back his statement. I started packing as Bucky knocked on my door.

"Hey, where you headed," Bucky asked, noticing my bag filled with clothes.

"I'm going home," I said, "I got time off. So I wanted to go see my kids and family. I'll be back in a month."

Bucky smiled and pulled out his keys.

"Let me give you a ride," Bucky suggested.

"I can teleport... Oh right," I said, recalling the ride was only a token of seeing each other again, "One for the road."

Bucky, Natasha, and I apparently had a sign when we go for a ride when one of us leaves. It was a way of showing we'll meet again down the road so to speak. Whether it would take a long time or short time. We'll somehow find our way back to each other again.

"I'll meet you outside," Bucky said, winking.

I zipped up my bag after I was done and threw it over my shoulder. In most cases, it would've been too heavy and nearly break my fucking back. Now I'm capable of carrying it with ease. It's amazing what restoring memories can do for me.

 I found Bucky waiting for me, like he said, and walked over. I hopped on his bike after him and he began driving. Once we got to an empty highway, he parked on the side of road. I got off and handed him his helmet. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a kiss.

"Have fun with your family," Bucky said, "I'll see you soon."

"Okay," I whispered, "Be safe. Tell Natasha I'll see her soon as well."

"I will," Bucky said, letting go.

I watched him put his helmet on and drive away. Then I teleported back to New Orleans. I hesitated as I looked at the familiar building that belonged to the Mikaelsons. I took deep breaths before knocking on the door.

"Hello... Y/n!"

I grinned brightly.

"Mind if I come in?"

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