Chapter 8- Kiss And Tell

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I walked up to the door and knocked. Caroline opened the door and grinned happily. She pulled me into a tight hug.

"Hey, Caroline," I smiled.

"I'm so happy you could make it," Caroline said, rocking me a little.

She let go and Bonnie, who also happened to be there, pulled me into a hug next.

"Hi, Bon Bon," I said.

"It's good to see you again, y/n," Bonnie said.

"Where's Elena," I asked, looking around.

On cue, Elena walked through the door with Damon tailing her like a lost puppy. She saw me and her face lit up like a Christmas tree. I blinked once and she was hugging me. I see she's used to her vampirism nature now.

"Y/N! Hi," Elena said, cheerfully, "How are you? How was your trip to New Orleans?!"


"It must've been really good since you received a gift," Damon interrupted.

I knitted my eyebrows and walked over. Damon handed the box to me.

"Did you see who left it," I asked.

"A mailman," Damon shrugged, "He dropped it off and left while you were having a reunion."

I opened it and looked at the note on top.

"Our dearest, y/n," I read, placing the note aside.

"Our? You fucked multiple people," Caroline asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Hold on! You got laid," Bonnie asked, turning to me.

"Who's the lucky guy," Elena asked.

"No one..."

"Well, whoever this no one is he must be rich," Damon said, holding up a necklace, "Because that is a real diamond."

I took the necklace from Damon with a glare.

"Okay now I'm really curious," Bonnie said, "What's his name? Or her name?"

I took out the dress that looked like it cost more than my life. I held it up to my body.

"Cute," Caroline said, tilting her head a little, "Now a name! We want a name, please! Since when are you not a kiss and tell!?"

Since the person I laid was a goddamn Mikaelson!

"I feel like this one is special and rather keep the name quiet," I shrugged, "That way, I don't get universal backlash from speaking about them."

"Okay," Caroline said, "Well, they better treat you right! I have no problem coming down there and kicking someone's ass for hurting you!"

"Yes, Mother," I grinned.

"Can you at least tell us about the experience," Elena asked.

"Ew, gross," Damon said.

"You can go, Damon," Caroline smiled, "Whenever you're ready, y/n!"

I laughed and told them about the sex, making sure to not include a name or any significant details that would give away the actual identity.

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