Chapter 12- Questioning An Original

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WARNINGS: Slight Sexual Content; Mentions of Blood Consumption

I woke up to the smell of food cooking. I felt my stomach grumble a bit as I rolled over. Kol was still beside me, sleeping. I stared at him for a moment, taking him in. He's more handsome in person and I couldn't even lie about that if I wanted to.

"I can feel you watching me," Kol muttered.

"Sorry, you're just really handsome," I apologized.

Kol smiled and opened his eyes to look at me.

"Thank you," Kol said, running a finger along the outline of my face.

I kissed his hand.

"You're welcome," I smiled.

He smiled back.

"Came a long way from being scared of me," Kol said.

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I would probably piss myself if you snapped at me," I teased, causing him to laugh, "But something tells me, you have no intention of hurting me either."

Kol kissed my lips sweetly, savoring me.

"Not at all," Kol whispered, his lips hovering over mine.

My stomach grumbled again, making Kol laugh.

"That definitely ruined the moment," I teased, causing him to nod.

"A little," Kol teased back with a smile.

He sat up and grabbed my clothes. He helped me dress although I could do it myself. I assumed it was his way of aftercare. Especially with him kissing my neck and shoulders as he dressed me. Then he got dressed after I was. I followed him downstairs since I didn't want to run into Marcel by myself.

"Marcel, this is y/n," Kol introduced, "Y/n, Marcel."

Marcel held out his hand and shook mine with a smile.

"I didn't know who you were until Klaus told me," Marcel said, "Sorry about earlier."

"It's alright," I said, relaxing a great deal, "I understand the trust issues thing."

Marcel walked away as I turned to Kol.

"He seems much more friendly than before," I said, "I mean, I could've sworn the guy was going to rip my head off at the door."

Kol laughed as we went to the kitchen. Elijah was in there and another woman, who was probably compelled, was cooking.

"Hi, Elijah," I greeted.

Elijah looked up and made his way over. He pulled me into him, kissing me.

"Hello, y/n," Elijah said, his hands holding onto my waist.

"Kol, I need your help with something," Klaus said, putting on his jacket, "Come with me."

Kol quickly left out the door with Klaus and Rebekah. I knitted my eyebrows.

"I hope everything is okay," I said.

"Nothing they can't handle," Elijah said, sitting back down, "Glad, you made it back here safely."

"Yeah, me too," I said, sitting beside him, "So what are we having?"

"Steak... Almost done, Jennifer," Elijah asked.

"Yes, Mr. Mikaelson," Jennifer smiled, finishing the plate.

Elijah smiled and turned back to me. I stared at Jennifer curiously. She seemed normal for the most part. She also cooked like a goddamn expert in the kitchen.

"Don't tell me you find the chef attractive, dear," Elijah teased.

I looked at him about to decline the statement until I realized he was joking.

"Very funny," I sassed, rolling my eyes.

Elijah hummed and smirked as he turned back to his book.

"Reading," I asked.

"It's my journal," Elijah said, "I wrote my life story in these."

"Does every vampire do that," I asked, recalling how Stefan, Elena, and sometimes Damon do the same.

"We live a long time," Elijah said, "At times, it's nice to be able to recall the past."

"That makes sense," I said, questions hitting my brain, "I've also never seen you feed. Do originals not need to feed daily or something?"

"We can go a bit longer without feeding than turned vampires could," Elijah said, "But it's a requirement. Also, I tend not to feed as often. Most times when I do it's either after a battle or in private."

"Does being fed on hurt," I asked.

Elijah looked at me as if trying to understand where my questions were leading.

"It usually depends on how rough the vampire is," Elijah said, "Although for most it isn't very pleasant."

"Can you feed on me," I asked so softly it came out as a whisper.

Elijah stared at me, his questioning gaze turning somewhat lustful.

"That's a rather intimate request to ask of me," Elijah said.

I dropped my head. Too far, y/n!

"Sorry," I said.

Elijah hooked a finger under my chin, forcing eye contact.

"No need to be," Elijah said.

He leaned forward and kissed me. I caressed his cheek, silently telling him that I wanted more.

"Mr. Mikaelson, the food is finished," Jennifer said, interrupting us.

"Thank you, Jennifer," Elijah said, his eyes glued to mine, "You're dismissed."

Jennifer left the building and Elijah pulled me onto his lap. He kissed me as his hands roamed down my waist to my ass. He gave a small squeeze before slapping it lightly. I moaned in his mouth before he broke the kiss.

"This is going to lead to sex so you should probably eat first," Elijah said.

I climbed off his lap and grabbed some food. I also made Elijah a plate before sitting down beside him. We ate our food while I asked more questions. Although it was hard to determine if he was upset or thinking a lot of the time. So he had to reassure me that he tends to frown a bit when deep in thought.

"So going back to kids, why not adopt," I asked, "I mean, it would be much easier. Sure, it won't be exactly your blood but it's still your kid."

Elijah opened his mouth and then closed it again.

"That's actually a really good point," Elijah said, doing the frown, thinking face again, "I know Marcel is supposedly Klaus's son in a way. But I never thought of it that way."

"You seem like you'd be a great dad, personally," I shrugged.

Elijah stared at me while smiling.

"Really," Elijah asked.

"Yeah," I said, "You already have training from how you deal with your siblings so I would think you would."

"That's a really nice compliment," Elijah said, smiling, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," I smiled back.

Elijah grabbed me and kissed me again.

"All my patience is now gone," Elijah said, picking me up, "You're mine!"

He took me to his bedroom, closing the door behind us.

AUTHOR NOTE: There will be smut on the next chapter!

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