Chapter 7- Half Confessions

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After I washed my dishes, I went to my room. I sat down on the bed and debated on calling Caroline to confess what's really been happening in New Orleans. Maybe she and the others wouldn't care as much as I thought they would. As if on cue, my phone rang, and her ID popped up. I took a deep breath and answered.

            "Hey, Caroline," I smiled, "Calling to check on me for the hundredth time this week?"

Caroline chuckled.

            "No. I actually wanted to invite you to Mystic Falls for a dance," Caroline said, "I thought it would be fun. Also, we really miss you. Even Damon... He gets that stern little crinkle in his forehead when others talk about you."

I laughed and shook my head.

            "I don't know," I said, "What dance?"

            "It's just a regular annual dance, so wear something nice or sexy in case you want to get laid by someone," Caroline said.

I rolled my eyes and grinned as my thoughts traveled back to early this morning.

            "I'll see if I can make it," I said, "What time does it start? After all, I am the humanish one as you guys put it. So I have to travel by car."

            "Three days from today," Caroline said, "I hope you make it. If you don't have an outfit, I picked one out for you too!"

            "Thanks, Care," I smiled, "I wanted to tell you something as well."

            "Sure, what's up," Caroline asked, "Everything okay?"

            "Good news or bad news first," I asked.

            "Um, good news," Caroline said, confusion in her voice.

            "I got laid," I grinned.

            "Oh my god! By who," Caroline squealed, "Was he good in bed?! Did he know what he was doing?! I need to know everything!"

            "He was great in bed," I said, "He knew tricks I never knew about. And he's really hot if that's what else you want to know."

            "Did you get his number," Caroline asked, grinning.

            "Yep," I said, nodding slowly.

            "That's great! No wonder you wanted to stay in New Orleans for a bit longer," Caroline teased, "What's the bad news?"

            "I, uh, ran into the Mikaelsons," I said, my voice going low.

            "Are you okay," Caroline asked, "Are you hurt? They didn't hurt you, did they?"

            "Nope," I said, "They were actually really chill about it. I don't think they cared that I was there so..."

            "Do you need me to come  you," Caroline asked.

            "No, Caroline," I reassured, "I'm fine... There was no hate or anything thrown. They just kind of shrugged it off. Honest!"

Caroline sighed deeply.

            "Okay," Caroline said, "But if they give you any trouble..."

            "I'll be on my first taxi back home," I finished, "I promise."

            "Alright, be safe," Caroline said, "And I'll see you at the party. Love you, y/n."

            "Love you too, mama Care," I teased, hanging up.

            "So Niklaus, treated you good I hear."

I craned my neck to see Elijah leaning against the threshold. He was wearing a suit as usual, however, something about the contrast of the tie and handkerchief against the rest of it stood out.

            "Yes... I like that suit on you," I said, "The contrast of the tie and handkerchief compared to navy is really nice on you."

Elijah smiled gently and walked in.

            "Thank you," Elijah said, sitting beside me.

I nodded in silent response.

            "There's a party in Mystic Falls taking place in a few days," I said, "I wanted to go."

            "Y/N, none of us are holding you captive," Elijah said, "You're free to leave and enter as you please. Although we all hope you do return to us, after."

His lips curved into a small smile. I stared at them. I wonder if Klaus was so good how was Elijah? Was he just as good? Maybe better? Maybe good in his own way?


I looked into his eyes, not noticing a word he said.

            "I'm sorry, what," I asked.

            "I asked if you needed a ride," Elijah asked.

Oh, I want to ride something alright!

            "Probably not," I said, "I was going to get a taxi..."

Elijah stood up.

            "Are you returning to us afterward," Elijah asked.

            "That was my plan," I said, "I wanted to go and return here after I was done... If you don't mind."

He held out his hand and helped me up.

            "Thanks," I smiled.

Elijah caught me off guard when he kissed me. His hands rested on my waist as he pulled me closer a little. He broke the kiss to look at me.

            "I'll be looking forward to your return," Elijah said, his voice suggestive.

            "Oh... Okay," I said.

            "I'll help you pack some clothes," Elijah said, moving away from me.

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