Chapter 41- Protecting My Brother

Start from the beginning

"A stupid guy in my class was making fun of me today. I brushed it off like normal. Then he started... He started to talk about you and Mom. Said mom didn't want me and you had to put up with me," Stiles explained, "Then he called mom a slut and said he was going to do things... Going to do things to Theo when he was alone."

Stiles went quiet as he began fiddling with his fingers.

"So I hit him," Stiles said quietly, "He hit me back and we started fighting. I tried to tell the teachers but they just told him to knock it off. They didn't do anything but fuel the bullying... I didn't want to give them a chance to touch my brother. So I broke his hand during the fight. I made sure he couldn't do shit to Theo... I know I said I'd keep a low profile, Dad. I'm sorry..."

Dean pulled him into a tight hug and rubbed his back. He let him go and kissed his forehead.

"Don't be sorry for that," Dean said, "Don't you ever feel bad for standing up for yourself. That could've escalated to something entirely worse. I'm proud of you, okay?"

Stiles nodded slowly.

"Where's Theo in all of this," Dean asked, knowing the damage he could do once fueled.

"He was in another class," Stiles said, shaking his head, "He didn't know."

As if on cue, Theo walked into the house with Liam beside him as usual. He saw Sam's upset gaze and frowned.

"Something wrong," Theo asked.

"Stiles got into a fight," Sam said.

Theo's frown turned into a scowl. He ran upstairs and went to Stiles's room. Dean stood up quickly as Theo checked on his twin. He healed Stiles's injuries before questioning what happened. Stiles repeated the story making Theo's eyes flash yellow.

"That son of a bitch is dead," Theo growled, storming downstairs.

"Theo," Dean called out, making him turn and start pacing, "I know you're upset..."


Dean gently put his hands on Theo's shoulders. He soon felt the rage Theo did. It was part of Theo's emotions getting the better of him. His empathy power turned into him making anyone he touches angry, bitter, or depressed, depending on his mood.

"I need you to be smart about this," Dean said, ignoring the rage building in him, "Theo... Look at me, son..."

Theo turned to Dean the anger still swimming in his eyes like a storm.

"Don't kill him," Dean said.

"He deserves it," Theo said.

"It won't help anyone," Dean said, "It'll make it worse. Especially for Stiles..."

"I'M DOING THIS FOR STILES," Theo shouted, making all of the doors slam shut and reopen again.

Elijah, who was home at the moment, went to see what was going on. Stiles went downstairs knowing that the doors were his doing.

"He came after my brother, Dad," Theo snapped, "He doesn't get to walk away from this unscathed."


"That son of a bitch is never going to fucking say a word to you again," Theo said, "He won't even breathe around you when I'm finished with him."

"I'm fine..."

"Dean, may I talk to Theo," Elijah asked.

Dean motioned for him to have at it. He left to grab a beer to calm himself. Elijah waited until he was out of the room. Then he turned to Theo.

"Kick his ass," Elijah said, "Don't kill him. But make sure he never hurts you or your brother again. Okay? I'm gonna tell your Dad you went out for ice cream to calm down. Make sure you don't kill him."

"Understood," Theo agreed, turning around.

Liam walked out with him.

"I can take you back home..."

"I'm going with you," Liam said, hopping into the passenger of his truck.

"Liam," Theo said, also getting in, "You don't have to do this. I can handle it..."

"He went after your family," Liam said, "An attack on your family is an attack on mine. I'm going."

Theo smiled and leaned over planting a kiss on his lips. Theo gave a loving look at him then started his truck.

"Hey, Jackson," Theo smiled.

He closed the door but Theo pushed it open with ease.

"Your parents home, buddy," Theo asked, looking around the living room as Liam stepped inside.

"What do you want," Jackson asked, stepping back cautiously.

"I just want to talk," Theo said.

Liam grabbed a chair.

"Sit down," Theo commanded.

Jackson didn't move, making Liam grab his hair roughly and yank him in down.

"Look, the fight wasn't my fault," Jackson started, "You're brother is crazy! Alright? He's a psycho!"

Theo grinned widely and grabbed a nearby hammer.

"The funny thing is," Theo said, twirling the hammer in his palm, "Most people think Stiles is the crazy one because he's louder and more direct. The truth is I'm the crazy one... Isn't that right, baby?"

"Yep," Liam said, massaging Jackson's shoulder rough enough to bruise him, "That's one of the things I love."

"I have no problem getting my hands dirty," Theo said, shaking his head, "I also have no problem killing when it comes to protecting the people I love."

Theo smashed the hammer on Jackson's leg, making him yell in pain. Liam shoved a towel in his mouth to muffle him. Theo then grabbed his other hand that Stiles didn't break and smashed it.

"You'll remember this," Theo said, "Next time, you ever think about threatening my family. I want you to remember my face grinning at you while you scream in pain. Okay?"

Jackson stared at him with pleading eyes. Theo smashed his other knee, making him give a muffle scream. Then he healed his injuries that he caused and stood up. Theo placed the hammer down, making Liam move to wipe his fingerprints. Jackson stood up about to run but Theo grabbed his jaw and shoved him back down.

"You try anything or if you tell anyone," Theo said, grinning sadistically, "I will find you again. This time, I'll smash in your fucking skull. Understand me?"

Jackson nodded and Theo walked away.

"C'mon," Theo said, walking away.

Liam followed him out to his truck. He dropped him off at home then kissed Liam roughly. His hand began slipping into his jean's before Liam stopped him.

"I should really get inside," Liam smiled, kissing his palm, "I promise we'll have time tomorrow. Okay?"

"Get some sleep," Theo said, "I'll call you."

"Night, Theo," Liam said, getting out.

"Night," Theo smiled.

By midnight, Theo returned back home. He sat down beside Stiles on the couch.

"Are you okay," Stiles asked, glancing at him.

Theo nodded and smiled. Then he wrapped his arm around Stiles giving him a hug.

"I'm much better actually," Theo said, "You?"

"You didn't kill him," Stiles asked.

"I scared him," Theo said.

"Then I'm good too," Stiles smiled.

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