"Are they signed?"

"Look on the bottom!"

Emily looks on the bottom.

"They're signed." Her stubbornness almost went way. Almost. "How do I know that's authentic?"

"You have my word."

"And a letter of authentication?"

"That too."

 They kept bickering. That's not the best word to use. Lane said that "It was like watching the William sisters." Emma wished she had popcorn. I say it was a fascinating interaction. 

Emily ended up buying the Antique piece with a free delivery and a lowered tax.

"I like that woman!" That's what she said when her and Emma were at Luke's waiting for their hamburgers. "And you know what? I like these shoes."

"Let's see how you like the burgers then." 

Luke arrived with their plates shortly and when Emily took a bite she said:

"I like it." 

No one on earth would guess this. No one would ever expect to see Emily Gilmore in snickers eating burger, fries and soda at a diner. Lorelai couldn't believe it when they stopped at the Inn for a quick visit.

"Is that my dear mother?" Lorelai was startled. It was completely different person in her eyes.

After a family conversation and a chat with Michelle in french, the grandmother and the granddaughter went outside. Emma wanted to show her something.

"So, the horses are up on that hill and the tennis courts are down there."

"It's certainly impressive."

"And... this is my favourite place."

"The tool shed?" Emily laughed.

It wasn't a tool shed. It was a home.

"No. This is where we used to live." Emma opened the door happily. "When mom, Rory and I moved here, this was our apartment. I know it looks small, but it's really pretty. Come on."

Emily froze in fear.

"See, we had our bed right over there." Emma continued. "Mom put up this really pretty curtain around the tub so it looked like a real bathroom. And... we would just sit outside at night when the Inn would have parties and we'd just listen to music and feed the ducks..."

Emily dissociated in the middle of Emma's explanation. At one point she put on her sunglasses because she was feeling faint and then she walked away, leaving Emma clueless between memories and terror. 

"Grandma." She shouted. "Where are you going?"

"Home. I'm not feeling so good."

"Wait for me, then." Emily stopped at her granddaughter's words.

"No, Emma. I'm sorry. I have to be alone."

Emma didn't know how to act. She went home too, but she took a faster rout. She arrived before her grandma and the whole band was there. Apparently, Brian's dentist cancelled and the church already had enough volunteers. Her friends made the effort and the sacrifice of showing up, of helping her. Now, she had to tell them that everything was gone to waste and couldn't even tell them why. 

Everybody was disappointed when she explained. They were packing their things when Emily opened the door of car. Emma looked at her grandmother with a fragile hope in her eyes. Emily didn't say a word, she put the car in reverse and left.

"I'm sorry, Emma." Lane patted her back

The band went home with empathy on their faces. Emma had a frown on hers, again.

The Gilmore girl went to her room to hide. Her family wasn't coming home any time soon, because they planned to meet at Luke's for dinner. I hate how plans are flushed down the drain in seconds, how dreams escape without saying goodbye, how disappointment and sadness are always a step away from us. Emma definitely didn't want to think about her grandmother right now, so she opened a book and jumped on those water.

She couldn't read. That's one of the worst feelings ever. However, she was forcing herself to not stop, to not think. She eventually cave into her thoughts, but different ones. Her mind started to wander through the confusing wonders of a tall blond with an irritating smile. Why? For many reasons, but mostly because, while she was reading, one of the paragraphs that she actually payed attention to talked about the event of the Gold Rush. It reminded her of him because, in some ways, he was a Gold Rush: the thing that everybody wants.

She hated herself for thinking about Tristan, again and again and again. Emma was determined to not like him, she didn't like a Gold Rush.

This metaphor woke the inspiration in her and she grabbed her guitar and composed her thoughts into a scrap of a song.

But I don't like a gold rush, gold rush
I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush
I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch
Everybody wants you
Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you
Walk past, quick brush
I don't like slow motion double vision in rose blush
I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush
Everybody wants you
But I don't like a gold rush

Emotions are something very peculiar.


Emma sat on of the empty tables at Luke's.

"Hey, Emma. How was things with the grandma?" Luke tries to start a conversation.

"I don't understand her. What is life? Let me tell what it isn't: wonderful. This ain't a wonderful life. Frank Capra lied to all of us." Luke smiled. "Why are you smiling? It's a sick thing to do, you know. Finding pleasure in the misery of others."

"You sound just like your mother." That made Emma smile a little.

"Thanks. By the way. Can you give me  a cup of coffee?"


"I really need coffee, right now."

"No, you don't."

"Luke, please." She was using the puppy eyes.


"C'mon, Luke. The day you face Emily Gilmore you'll understand." Luke pours the cup.

"It's a brain changing experience." Lorelai sits down after kissing Emma's forehead. "Hi, sweetie."

"Hi, mom."

"Grandma called." Emma shivered to the sound of those words. "It's not your fault that she left." Emma lowered her head. "Look at me. It's not your fault. It was hard for grandma to see the place where I ran away to. I mean, I ran away from her and I chose to live in a 'tool shed' rather than her princess castle. It probably hurt. It probably still does."

"I just wanted to share with her something meaningful to me, to us."

"I know, honey. But that's just not how things work with the Gilmores." Lorelai hugs her daughter and her other daughter walks in.

"I loved it. I think I fell in love with golf." Rory stopped talking when she noticed Emma's expression. "What happened?"

"It doesn't matter. Tell me everything about your day." Emma wouldn't share this meaningful thing with her sister. The meaning wasn't great at all.

"So, the sauna was incredible..."

Please imagine the sound of their chattering slowly fading away as the lights become weaker and weaker. Do you hear the silence? Don't turn on the lights.

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