"Is that why you hated rich people?" I nodded. "Please continue."

"Then my mother turned into alcoholic, then eventually became a drug addict. I was 14 back then. And when those stuff doesn't suffice anymore, she turned to men. Every single night, new man came to our house. Then there was Gong Yoo." I paused as the memories came flooding back again. I don't know if I can re-live that night again.

"Shhh... Lily... It's okay... I'm here..." Jennie comforted me and I was thankful that the others remained silent and waited for my story to end.

"Since the first time that my mother brought him to our house, he basically lived there. And then one night... It happened..." It was then that I began to shake. My voice trembled at every word that I said. "One night, when my mom was passed out, he forced himself to my room and then... Then..."

"I'm sorry..." Seulgi said.

"He forced himself to you..." Detective Paul completed and I just nodded. "How many times?"

"Every single night."

Jennie's POV

I almost lost it when I heard Lisa's story. That disgusting man ruined her. He took away her purity and innocence.

"Can you continue?" Detective Paul asked.

"No!" I yelled. "Can't you see she's hurting? That's enough!"

"Look kid! It's either she tell us everything today or we go down to the station. Your choice."

"It's okay Jennie. Let's get it over with." I swiped the tears in her eyes and at this moment, all I wanted to do was hold her close and never let go.

"He did it every single night for months until one day I got pregnant. He threatened to kill us if I tell anyone from school or my friends."

"Ella is your daughter." It was more of a statement from the detectives and she confirmed their assumption.

"He forced me to take a pill to get rid of the baby but I couldn't do it. I can't take the life of an innocent child so I threw up the pills the moment that he left."

"Please go on."

"It was then that I had enough. If he found out that I kept the baby, he might try to kill it again so I did what I could. One night when he thought that I was asleep, I over heard him talking on the phone about a deal. I made an anonymous call and fortunately he was arrested."

"That was brave of you."

"I sold our house and all our belongings and rented a smaller studio type apartment. My mom's still too wasted to even realize what I've done. I kept the baby and stopped going to school for a year in order to support us."

"Why didn't you place your mother in a rehab?"

"It was stupid but I believed that one day she'll open her eyes and become sober again."

"I think you have all the information detectives." I said. It was enough, I can't take it anymore, it pained me to see her hurting.

"Not yet... Jennie, you can still press rape charges against him from those years."

"And then what? Make me tell my story in front of everyone? I've kept everything locked up because I was ashamed and now you want me to tell the world?" She shouted.

"Please detective Simmons... Do not have it harder for her. You got her story, you got the man. I believe the prints on the shell casing was enough to put him in jail for the rest of his life for those murder charges." I pleaded. Detective Simmons was about to argue but good thing detective Kang stopped him.

"Let's give her some time Paul." He sighed and reluctantly agreed.

"Fine. And since my job here's over, I'll leave you ladies to return to your merry ways."

"I'll show you out." Irene offered.

"Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience." She just smiled at him. "See you tomorrow Seulgi!"

"Gnyt Paul!"

"We'll give you guys some space. Seul and I will go up the penthouse."

"Jisoo and the guys should be there. Can you get our stuff when you return and tell them that I'll see them tomorrow?"

"Okay." She gave me a knowing look before they exited my unit.

There was an awkward silence between Lily and I. "Now that you heard my story. You know how dirty I'm."

"Lily..." I again held her close. "If there's anything that's changed, my feelings for you just became stronger. You're brave and strong. You managed to keep yourself and Ella intact for a long time and that takes courage and strength. I salute you."

"I'm tainted. I'm dirty. I'm a whore."

"And you're a great mother and a sister." I then held her chin up so she could look into my eyes to let her know my sincerity. "I'm not here to solve your problems Lily. You can already do that on your own. I'm here to be your pillar. Someone you can lean on or count on. As a friend or more than friends, I'll be here as long as you let me."

"Thanks Jennie. You've been a great friend. Honestly, I really like you a lot and it pained me every time I held myself back because I know that I'm not worthy of you."

"Lily... You're more than worthy, it was me who was not worthy of you. I'm a loser with no direction in life until you came into my life."


"I like you Lily... And I'm willing to wait until you are ready."

"I'm not making you wait anymore Jennie. It's time for me to be happy again."

I pulled away from her embrace to process what she just said. "Did you just..."

"Yes Jennie..."



"Yayyy!!" I yelled and jumped in excitement. "Ouchhhh..." Oh I forgot about my broken ribs.

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