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Irene POV

It's been a week since Seulgi's incident, and now we're going to visit Wendy. I'm worried that Seulgi doesn't remember her. That's her best friend, they've been friends since middle school.

"Hey, oh gosh I missed you guys so much!" Wendy spoke as she hugged us, Seulgi's aura changed, I got closer to her and held her hand and she blushed a little, Wendy noticed and spoke "Awww couple goals", she said and gave a warm smile, "Come here Seulgi, give me a hug" she walked over to Seulgi and gave her a warm hug, Seulgi returned the hug, surprising everyone who knew about Seulgi's situation. Seulgi looked at me after the hug, "Why so shocked?" she asked and smiled innocently at me, "i-i I thought-" I was cut off by Wendy asking us to follow her to her place.

Once we made it there, Wendy's butlers grabbed our bags and took them to separate rooms, "Make yourselves at home" she spoke. We looked around in awe, we knew her family was wealthy but not this wealthy. The shine on the chandeliers was admirable and her couches were white, her floor being a light yellow going with the rest of the aura. Everything about her house amazed us, we made it into our rooms and settled down. I was put into a room with Seulgi. "Well, let's get comfortable", the younger girl said as she fell on the bed landing on her back, I chuckle and lay on mine. We lay for a bit before Seulgi asked, "Hey, Hyun. Who do you think Wendy likes?" Her question shocked me, "Well, Seul." I said and sat up, "I don't know who she likes but whoever she does I hope they keep her happy" She then sat up, her head resting in her hand as her silky black hair fell behind her, she was so beautiful, I look in awe while she got her words together, "You're right, but what if it's oh my god, what if it's an unnie?!" she asked, practically yelling, to hush her I kissed her, shocking her in the process but she soon gave in, melting into the kiss, "Wow.. that was.."  She said, slightly out of breath, "Amazing" I finish her sentence. She looked around the room, and soon back to me, "Hyun.. I think I remember something." Oh my god, finally. She can remember something, maybe that's how we do this "What do you remember?" "Our first kiss, back on the rooftop at school.." "Yes! Oh my gosh!"

Time skip - later

Taeyeon POV   

"I think I've figured out how to get Seulgi to remember everything", Irene said, "How do we do that?" Tiff asked her, we were all sitting at a table together at a cafe since Seulgi was sleeping, Wendy decided to stay with Seulgi, which was good for us on our end since Wendy didn't know what was going on with her. "So, we basically have to remake her memories. We kissed inside of the bedroom while she was speaking and she remembered our first kiss" "Okay, well how do we get her to remember Yeon though, I mean, she was at a low point in her life and was near suicide, what caused her to be like that?" I looked up at Irene, and we made eye contact, we both knew what the cause of Seulgi being suicidal that day. "Well, uhm," I said, speaking shifting my eyes over to Tiff who was already looking at me, "What made Seulgi suicidal that day was her getting taken advantage of" Tiff's smile dropped and she turned worried, "WHAT." she yelled, "We are not making Seulgi remember that! That was so fucking traumatizing for her!" "We know, and that's why we are thinking of other ways to get her to remember Yeon" 

A few hours later, we decided to head back home and we found Seulgi in the living room and she looked at Irene with the purest smile on her face, "Oh my god!!!!! Hyunnnnnnnnnn hehehe" She said and ran up to Irene, practically tackling the girl down. We all laughed at Seulgi's cuteness and Irene took her into the room. "Hey, Wendy. Can we talk? You know, just us two?" "Yes, unnie! Sure, what would you like to talk about?" "I have to tell you something about Seul" "Alright, what is it?" "She lost a lot of memory about certain things and some people, she doesn't remember Joy, but she does Yeri. She doesn't remember me but she does Tiff. She remembers you and Hyun, too." "Oh my, why didn't you guys tell me sooner about this? I could've already had this solved *goes and gets a box*" "What's in that?" "All of Seul's memories in a box, well, just the pictures. She remembers things better off of pictures" "Ohh okay" "So, you said Youa dn Joy?" "Mhm" 

Little did I know, Wendy actually did fix Seulgi.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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