4.5 - Agreement? Oh my...

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Nezha was able to get back into the Celestial Realm without any problems as he returned to his place and go back to guarding the map. He just hope Ao Bing wasn't there since things will take a heavy turn. As he got into the room where the Samadhi Fire Map was guarded, he looked around before quietly opening the door as he let himself in and closed the door behind him. He signed as he turned around, only to be startled to see Ao Bing there, his arms crossed while his face wasn't fully shadowed as he can see a glare "Well, well, well, look what we have here...I didn't think you actually left the Celestial Realm and venture into the Mortal Realm without the Jade Emperor's permission..."

Nezha glared back as he spoke "I did get permission to venture the Mortal Realm for the day. Wait...how did-" Nezha was then cut off when Ao Bing spoke "One of your guards told me about that." One of Nezha's guards then appeared behind Ao Bing, who was shaking "I-I'm so-sorry sir. He-He wou-wou-wouldn't st-stop bo-bothering m-m-me u-unless I s-s-say so-so." The guard stuttered but Nezha sighed, he didn't blame the guard for this. He then spoke "No, it's alright. I understand the situation you were in, you may leave." And with that, the guard left as soon as he could, leaving Ao Bing and Nezha alone as they glared. Ao Bing then spoke up "So tell me, why did you venture in the Mortal Realm all of a sudden? This isn't something like you unless this was something else."

Nezha sighed as he answered "Well, to begin with, I heard Wukong had a successor of his own that the other Celestials have been talking through the rumors, I didn't believe at first until you brought up with your task that involves the Mortal Realm." Ao Bing flinched when he heard that before Nezha continued "And would you look at that, Wukong did have a successor. So I decided to watch her and see how this goes." Ao Bing looked a bit scared as he asked "You didn't actually met her in person right?" Nezha shook his head and answered "No, just watching over. However, I didn't expect an intruder to break into your cousin's home and steal one of the family's powerful artifacts and kidnap her." He could see the startled look on Ao Bing's face, which was rare.

That's right, he and Mei were distant cousins due to her family relationship with her thousand-great grandfather, Ao Lie, who was also the father of Ao Ji, the Dragon of the West. Ao Lie had became Wukong's companion and sworn brother since they first met and to help protect the monk, Tang Sanzang, or also known as Tripitaka. She was also Ao Guang's great-uncle since Ao Lie was his nephew making Mei his distant great-cousin.

"They weren't..." Ao Bing trailed off, not wanting to think both MK and Mei were hurt by the intruder "No, they're completely okay. Your cousin was able to fend off thanks to the Dragon Blade." Ao Bing sighed in relief hearing this "I see. Thank Buddha..." Ao Bing mumbled as Nezha stood there before speaking "So, I'm guessing now I know that task of yours and I wanted to come to an agreement." This made Ao Bing raise his brow and asked "What kind of agreement...?" Nezha then started explaining "Well, since your task was to watch over Wukong's successor and I have a map to guard, I wanted to know every single detail everytime you came back from the Mortal Realm. I would come by to watch over her in case you had another duty to assemble."

Hearing this made Ao Bing go into thought, even though the agreement was good, there are still chances that could go wrong, but couldn't be in the Mortal Realm all the time when he had other duties to fulfill. With no other choice, he sighed and agreed "Deal." With that, he and Nezha did a small handshake as it was Ao Bing's time to leave, before leaving he spoke "For once, we agree on something without even fighting, huh?" Nezha nodded "Yes, it does..." And with that, Ao Bing finally left, leaving Nezha alone with the map once again. Nezha sighed as he looked at the ceiling and thought 'I don't know why you needed a successor right now, Wukong. But I hope you can train her well.'

Nezha then went back to guarding the map once again.

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See ya all next time!

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