4 - Sleepover at Long Manor

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~In the Celestial Realm~

Ao Bing was walking on the corridors of the Jade Emperor's palace as he was lost in thought. He stopped and looked at through the window with a long look on his face. He had to admit, meeting MK was something...

She wasn't like her mentor, Sun Wukong, she was definitely something you want to get to know her more once you met her. As Ao Bing was lost in thought, he heard someone call his name "Ao Bing..." Ao Bing turned to see none other than the Third Lotus Prince himself, Nezha, glaring at him. He glared at the prince back who still glared at him "Nezha..." Ao Bing mumbled as they continued their glare off in silence. They barely got along well since they first met even when they served started serving the Jade Emperor, but didn't mean they were enemies, just rivals in fact "So Ao Bing...what are you doing here...I was usually expect you to be at your home at the East Sea Palace during these times." It was true, Ao Bing barely had tasks here to do in the Celestial Realm unless it was something serious as he would usually do his duties in his home.

"Oh, I was just given a personal task by the Jade Emperor himself that involves the Mortal Realm." Ao Bing answered honestly making Nezha bewildered and confused, Ao Bing would never lie to anyone but wouldn't tell the whole truth otherwise it was something really personal "Well, I better get going. I don't want to keep the Jade Emperor waiting now." And with that, Ao Bing walked away, leaving Nezha watching him leave before he let out a small "Hmm..." As he left as well. Planning in mind to have someone guard the Samadhi Fire Map for the moment while he visited the Mortal Realm.

If Ao Bing wouldn't tell the whole truth, he would have to see the whole thing himself.

~Meanwhile in the Mortal Realm~

Meanwhile, MK and Mei were playing Monkey Mech while Sandy and Mo cheered on the background. Mei was laughing as she was winning as her video game avatar was beating MK's, not letting her chance to attack Mei's "Button mash all you want, MK. You'll never beat my Ancient Galloping Fury Power." Mei spoke as MK was having a hard time while Sandy cheered "Up smash, up smash!" "I'm trying, Sandy. Okay? I'm trying, I'm trying." MK spoke as Mei laughed again "No one can defeat me." Mei's phone then started ringing as a profile picture of a woman was shown "Oh boy." Mei excused herself as she answered her phone while MK and Sandy watched as she looked troubled "Hi, Mom. Yes. Of course." Mei sadly sighed as she spoke "Yes, Mother." She sighed as she ended the call while the two walked up from behind as Sandy spoke up, who looked worried "Hey, you okay there, Mei?" Mei assured him and Mo and she answered.

"Yeah. It's just...my parents...they want me to housesit." Sandy asked "And that's a bad thing?" Mei quickly answered again "No. It's just...my parents have something...important to do tonight so I had to be there at home just in case something happens." MK then placed her hand on her shoulder and suggested "Hey, how about this, me, Sandy and Mo can come with you and housesit. It'll be like a sleepover, plus you won't feel too lonely while you're there." Mei looked a bit unsure and spoke "I don't know...I never let anyone on the house before..." MK then assured Mei and spoke "Don't worry, when we're at your home. We'll listen to your rules,plus you can trust us." Mei looked at the faces of her friends and softly smiled and spoke "Alright, you can come over." MK and Sandy looked at each other and smiled as they started planning of what they're gonna bring over for tonight. However, they didn't noticed General Ironclad listening to them in a distance, the transmission blinked green as General Ironclad pulled up the holographic pictures of Mei's family and the family's Dragon Blade.


"The legendary Dragon Blade." Princess Iron Fan said once she saw the picture of the Dragon Blade and smiled as she swiped the hologram as various different weapons like the Dragon Blade was Monkey King's staff and many more "That blade is amongst the most powerful artifacts in history. I do love powerful things. Go. Bring it to me." Princess Iron Fan ordered while General Ironclad nod as the holographic video call ended.

LMK: Female MK AU (The Adventures of Female MK) (On Hold, but not Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now