Italy x Germany

196 10 2

"Germany! Germany help! Help me Germany!"

Germany frowned, "What do you want from me now?"

"The kitty cat won't let go of me!"

Italy held out his hand and Germany gasped. Sure enough, there was a cat on there. A cat that was not to gently latched on to the shorter man. Blood dripped down his hand.

"Italy! What happened?"

"I was playing in the grass over in the training field. We were rolling around and then one second, the kitty cat just attacked me."

"Come. We must extract the cat. Place your hand on the table."

Italy shuffled over, whining the whole way. "Germany! It hurts!"

"I imagine it does," He muttered, guiding Italy's hand the rest of the way to the table. "Alright, I'm just going to pull it out in one go. Alright? Three. Two."

"Germany! What are you doi..."


* * *

"Italy, can we please talk?"

"Germany, you bully! I don't want to talk to you ever again."

Germany slowly moved towards him as though approaching a small, frightened animal. "Let me see your hand. I need to bandage it up."


"Italy, now. Let me see your hand."

"No!" Italy shifted into the corner, even further away from Germany.

"Fine," The blonde mumbled under his breath. "My way now." He grabbed Italy around the waist and pulled him up in his arms.

"Put me down!" The Italian shouted.

"No." Germany responded, moving him to the couch, where a first-aid case already sat. "Let me help you.

"You're just going to hurt me more!"

Germany took a deep breath, and tried to put on a soothing voice. "Italy, I just want to make you feel better. Your hand hurts, doesn't it?" When the man nodded, Germany continued. "Let me take away the pain."

Italy nodded again, slowly moving his hand out from where he tucked it into his jacket.

"Wow." Germany stared in shock at the mess of shredded skin and blood. "It's not as bad as it looks," He said, regaining his composure. "We just need to clean it out. That's all."

Italy nodded, but when Germany pulled out disinfectant wipes, he tried to pull away again. "Germany! That will hurt!"

"Do you want pain or death?"

Italy whimpered, and allowed Germany to take his hand and gently rub the wipe over it. "Germany! It hurts!"

"Just a few seconds longer," He soothed, and pulled the wipe away. "Good job," He smiled as he put a bandage on it.

"Germany, you owe me something."

"Like what?" he sighed, moving the first aid kit off the couch.

"This." Italy placed his hands on Germany's shoulder and gently rested his lips on Germany's, stealing his breath away. He kissed slowly and lovingly and full of experience. When he finally pulled away and saw the blush on Germany's face, he laughed, and snuggled up against him. "Germany, I like like you a lot."

Germany finally registered his surroundings and smiled down at the small man cuddled into him. "I like like you to."

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