Canada x America

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Alfred was mad. So mad, he was on the verge of stabbing someone. And that someone had bushy eyebrows and was yelling at him to, "Confess your feelings."
"Arthur, bro, I'll castrate you."
"Listen you twit. It's not my fault your so gay that unicorns can't stand to be around you."
"Says the man with imaginary friends. Bro, I'm not gay."
"Then why do you stare at Mathew's ass so much?"
Alfred blushed and covered his face. "I do not stare at Mathew. I'm a hero. I don't have time for love."
"I don't even know what to do with you." Arthur sighed. "Just... move in quick. Alright? Francis has his eye on Mathew, and I like you more. So, go and take Mathew. Alright?"
"Bro," Alfred frowned, "I'm ninty percent sure Mathew is straight." He paused for a second, and as an after thought said, "Like me."
"One, he stares at you as well. Two, he had a relationship with Russia about one hundred years ago. Three. You. Are. Not. Straight. Just go get your man. Alright?"
"I..." Alfred sighed. "You're sure he likes me?"
"Positive. Now, don't let that frog win your man!"
Alfred smiled, "Thanks Arthur. I guess you're kinda cool, bro."
"Anytime. Now go!" He slapped Alfred's but.
"Bro... no." Alfred frowned at Arthur and ran off.
Once he was gone, Arthur sighed, "That boy..."
* * *
"Mathew! Bro! Let's talk!"
"Oh," Canada smiled, "you actually notice me."
"Oh course bro. Who doesn't?"
"Everyone. Even my own bear forgets my name."
Alfred looked down at the bear in Mathew's arms. "Well, you're very memorable to me."
Mathew blushed. "Thank you."
"No problemo bro. Hey, can I ask you something?"
"Sure." Mathew gave a small smile, not used to all the attention.
"So, I know that I've done a lot of crap to you. Like hurt you playing catch and made people belive you're me so they won't hurt me. But, I think you're cute, bro. Do you wanna like, go somewhere tonight?"
"L-like on a d-date?" Mather stuttered as he blushed.
"Yep. Exactly like a date." Alfred smiled down at him.
"Oh... okay." Canada looked up at Alfred to gage his emotions.
"Awesome. I'll pick you up at your place at seven. Sound good?"
"Great!" Mathew's voice rose slightly above it's normal whisper. "That would be fantastic."
"Cool, bro. I'll see you then."
"Cool," Mathew responded, trying out the word for the first time.
Alfred just awkwardly smiled and ran back to his car.
When he was gone, Mathew started crying. Someone finally knows I exist!

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