64. A Silent Promise

Start from the beginning

He took the cloth and pressed it gently against his closed eyes. The coolness provided relief, and slowly, the discomfort began to subside.

"I'm sorry that happened," she said hesitantly. "I-I should have warned you about the steam."

He smiled, his eyes still closed. "No need to apologize. It was just an accident. Besides, it's all part of the cooking experience, right?"

"Yes, I suppose mishaps like these make cooking more memorable."

"I should thank you for making it memorable then" He chuckled, and she couldn't help but draw a thin line on her lips, nodding.

He gradually reopened his eyes, the stinging sensation subsiding, and looked at her with a grateful smile. "Thank you," he said, gesturing towards the damp cloth that he had placed on the counter.

Feeling more composed now, he proceeded to carefully lift the lid of the pot once again, this time ensuring that the steam passed through without causing any harm. As the lid was lifted, a tantalizing aroma of cooked pasta filled the air, creating an appetizing atmosphere in the kitchen.

Haya couldn't help but inhale deeply. "It smells amazing," she commented, her eyes sparkling with anticipation and helping Shavez in concluding that she really loved cooking, so him opening the door for her to get back to doing what she loved was something he was proud of.

His smile widened as he gently stirred the pasta, ensuring it was perfectly cooked. "I'm glad you think so. I didn't expect this from me, honestly"

He reached for a fork from the drawer and carefully took a portion, holding it in front of her. "Here, have the first bite," he said, freaking out on the inside but she didn't need to know.

She looked at him, her gaze shifting from his eyes to his hand holding the fork, and back into his eyes. There was a flicker of hesitation in his movement as he jerked the fork a little, causing her heart to skip a beat yet again. It was as if time stood still in that brief moment, and a rush of emotions flooded through her.

She wanted to take the fork from his hand but he refused with a light shake of his head, so she had to lean closer, her lips parting slightly. She could feel her pulse quicken, matching the rhythm of her racing thoughts. In that instant, it wasn't just about the bite of pasta on the fork- it was a gesture of trust, intimacy, vulnerability, and God! Her rushing thoughts needed to shut down.

With a gentle breath, she closed her eyes, her lips meeting the fork as she took the offered bite. The taste of the pasta exploded on her tongue, she opened her eyes and saw a mixture of emotions in his gaze - a hint of nervousness, a touch of hope, and an undeniable affection that was always present there.

As the flavors danced on her tongue, she gave a nod of acknowledgment, "It's delicious"

"Of course, it had to be delicious," he said, his confidence growing. "I put a secret ingredient in there." With a mischievous smile, he took another portion of the pasta from the same fork and brought it to his own lips, savoring the taste.


"Please forget I did any of that. I don't have answers to any of your questions right now, but I'll tell you...One day I hope I tell you"

That fleeting moment where you feel like there is someone out there in the world who would listen to you, just listen to your side of the story and not judge you for the choices you've made, for the life you've lived. Thinking that there is someone who would value you, is all a mere delusion as she felt her heart sinking, heavy with sadness enveloping it when he told her not to ask anything.

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