"You could hurt someone else or yourself if you're not in a contained and empty space," Deaton explained. "You'll be kept in the vault until it wears off."

"You're gonna lock me in a vault for god knows how long?" Stiles questioned as he turned around, his eyes following Deaton as the man took the documents and placed them on the table in the center of the room.

"It's the safest option. You'll be dangerous when your abilities are maxed out. I don't want to risk anything," Deaton replied. "We'll read these first though."

Stiles moved to stand with everyone else, who was more or less all gathered in a circle around Deaton as the man spread out the documents. There were six total.

Deaton grabbed the first, saying, "It seems there's categories similar to the rankings of werewolves," he brought the paper closer to his face as he struggled to read the faded text. "Omegas. They typically have more mind based abilities and appear to be highly intelligent, observant, and responsible. Their temperamental issues are low and they have a knack for staying calm even in the more dire situations. They're characterized with glowing blue eyes when abilities are activated and they have a blue or white aura when seen through the true eyes of another supernatural creature. Omegas have five to six abilities at maximum. Tamed threat level: non-lethal. Feral threat level: minorly dangerous.

Deaton moved further down the page, moving onto talking about the next ranking in the mix as he summed up the summary of omegas sparks.

"Betas. They typically have both physical and mental based abilities. However, those have limits. After using a physical ability, there is a cooldown time before they can use another physical ability, but there's no cooldown time between a physical and mental ability. Betas are usually seen as outgoing, persistent, and open-minded. They're characterized with glowing gold eyes when abilities are activated and they have a yellow or fluorescent green aura when seen through the true eyes of another supernatural creature. Betas have seven to eight abilities at maximum. Tamed threat level: minorly dangerous. Feral threat level: mildly dangerous."

Deaton flipped the page over where more information was found on the back about the rest of the ranks.

"Alphas. They typical have more physical based abilities and can be characterized as blunt, stubborn, and close-minded with temperamental issues. They're characterized with with red glowing eyes when abilities are activated, and they have a red or pink aura when seen through the true eyes of another supernatural creature. Alphas have nine to ten abilities at maximum. Tamed threat level: mildly dangerous. Feral threat level: majorly dangerous."

Deaton's eyes traveled further down the page as he came upon the final paragraph explaining about spark rankings.

"Deltas. They have a mixture of physical and mental abilities. Unlike Betas, there is no cooldown time between two physical or two mental abilities, and there's rarely limits with the powers. They have a wide variety of personalities, which makes them hard to identify. However, all Deltas have one thing alike. Their abilities and status are not revealed at birth like the previous three as their abilities develop over time. Their abilities will be triggered in, typically, one of the following four situations; an extreme amount of emotion, when their abilities reach their peak and when there are no other powers to be developed, and/or their abilities are brought forth by a substance referred to as Ivorett. They're characterized by glowing purple eyes and have no aura when seen through the true eyes of another supernatural creature. This makes it severely hard to identify Deltas since they appear as human through other creatures true eyes. Their is no known maximum number of abilities for Deltas. Some have been known to have a dozens of minorly effective or "weak" abilities, and some have been known to have only two or three powers, but they're beyond strong. Tamed threat level: majorly dangerous. Feral threat level: lethal."

"Seems like I'm not the craziest one here anymore," Peter commented, and Stiles lifted his head, glaring at the werewolf.

"Can he stay in the vault with me?" Stiles asked before looking at Deaton, seemingly utterly serious in his question.

"Yes," Derek replied blandly, and Deaton sighed before glancing at Scott.

"Just to confirm," the druid began, "can you look at him with your true eyes. Tell us what you see."

Scott's eyes glowed red instantly at the command, and he averted his attention to Stiles before they faded back to brown.

"Nothing," Scott stated. "No aura."

"I suppose that tells us that," Deaton said as he scanned over the rest of the pages. He grabbed the first that grabbed his attention and began reading it out.

"If a spark has the ability to generate or withdraw mountain ash," the emissary began, "which is more typical in alphas and deltas then it is omegas and betas, their blood is lethal when ingested by or injected into any other supernatural creature. If a spark does not have this ability, their blood is not deadly, but it can cause fainting episodes, immediate unconsciousness, and or cause the creature to be paralyzed when ingested or injected."

Deaton flipped the paper over and continued reading what had been written on the back who knows how long ago.

"Sparks are not effected by mountain ash, silver, or any other supernatural downgraders since they are still human. However, this means they are still prone to weakness from normal human injuries like diseases, gunshots, and stab wounds. Most if not all sparks have abilities that help them with things like these such as healing abilities, shields, and or some type of force field."

Deaton grabbed another sheet as the information on the one in his hand came to an end, and he proceeded talking as mostly everyone stayed intrigued.

"Sparks are effected by the bites of werewolves and vampires in the sense where they can turn. In the event that a spark is bitten by a supernatural creature with the ability of turning others, the spark will either reject the bite and live, reject the bite and die, turn and maintain their spark abilities, or turn and lose their spark abilities. It is more likely for a spark to die rather than live, but, if a spark does live from a bite, it is more typical for them to lose their abilities rather than to maintain them."

The druid once again flipped over the paper to read whatever information he deemed relevant that was on the back.

"Sparks do not have destined or definite mates like supernatural creatures. If a spark were to have a child with a human, there is a chance their child will be a spark. The higher the ranking, the higher that chance is. If a spark were to have a child with a supernatural creature, it is almost one hundred percent sure that the child will be born as a hybrid. In some cases, the spark genes are lost, but it is uncommon."

"I'm getting bored over here," Malia groaned from her spot on the floor, where she had moved to sit back when Deaton was talking about spark rankings.

"Alright, alright," Deaton said, managing a small smile as he gathered up the documents and set them aside in a pile. "We can handle the rest of that later. Scott," he looked at the werewolf, "I'm gonna need those chains and cuffs you use for Malia during full moons. Meet us at the vault."

Scott nodded and left to go fetch the items Deaton requested. The druid grabbed the bag of Ivorett on the table before looking around.

"It'll take a few hours. Sam, Dean," Deaton said, earning the brothers' attention, who had been keeping a close eye on Jack ever since he woke up. Cas hadn't spoken since his arrival.

"I will talk with you when I get back. It won't be long," the druid promised.

"Hours seems long," Dean grunted.

"Oh, I'll be back in thirty minutes," Deaton stated before pointing at Stiles. "He'll be in there all night."

"Now you're leaving me there alone?" Stiles questioned.

"The vault is beneath the school. I'll seem suspicious creeping around there for hours," Deaton explained. "You'll be fine. Let's go."

Stiles watched in silence as Deaton walked out of the room, and he wasn't too far behind as he didn't enjoy all the eyes that were glued to him.


Stand Still // [tw/spn/sh/twl] [HIATUS]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz