Her face flashed in his mind, pale and completely unlike the literature-enthralled loner he'd once known. It caused him to strengthen his resolve, a barely audible "not yet" slipping from his lips before he walked past his fiancée, unwilling to be around her for once.

Alina wondered if she'd pushed too hard. And then decided she would push a bit harder. Even if she and Mal were never going to be possible, the thought of giving Nikolai a chance of happiness... Their engagement certainly complicated things, though. It was fine. It didn't have to get that far, she just wanted them to see each other. It would help.

She was busy through the day so she decided to send her friend, Genya to check in on her that morning. Perhaps she'd be more comfortable talking to someone who wasn't the folktale Sun Summoner. And then Genya could tell her everything she'd heard. It was a perfect plan, really and despite her early complaints, she decided to agree the moment Zoya volunteered herself to go digging for information in her stead. The Squaller wasn't the best at tact.

And Genya was already planning to head to the ward so it was settled just like so. It was definitely not as hectic as it was the day before. Ixora had even managed to grasp some moments of sleep up until someone hollered a few feet away, snapping her to attention. Her heart hammering, she kept her focus on keeping the place as numb as possible and calming the person's heartbeat until the operation was over. It took some hours but she didn't falter, of a singular focus as she sat by the stranger's side.

Genya went about her duties, amazed at how calm the woman seemed. She'd stayed so still all that time, as if in a meditative trance - but now that it was over, one could see how weary she was. Unsure of how best to approach her, the fiery-haired woman donned a smile and decided to try her luck.

"Would you like me to wipe them away? The tired skin under your eyes. I could fix it up for you. I'm a Tailor. And Genya- my name is Genya, I came at Alina's suggestion to check up on you."

"Oh. Mine is Ixora. And... Well, thank you but I like my face as I do my hair. Natural. Let the wrinkles and hangs come, I say." With a weary grin, she looked about, still haunted by the ghost of the man's earlier screams. She should have woken earlier to relieve him of some of the pain. She knew she was overworking herself but these Healers were all probably well-used to such hours; she had to keep to this unpredictable timing. "Is it always so... Excitable here?"

"In Ravka? I guess you could say that. I suppose it is calmer in Novyi Zem?"

"Well... We never have assassination plots, that's certain. We don't like to get into fights. We prefer peace."

"Perhaps I should consider a trip."

"All are welcome, Genya. And thank you for your compassion. I... I know this isn't exactly the kind of thing one says when they first meet someone but... Your beauty shines. Inside and out. I just felt I should tell you. We all almost died, earlier so I'd like you to know how easily you caught my eye in the room."

"A-are you flirting with me?"

"That's not a bad idea, actually. But... I'd rather have a friend, right now. With Nikolai faced with his royal duties, I don't have... Anyone."

"Well... Maybe I could be your first? I don't find myself very capable of romance at the moment, either."

"Mm. Maybe," she replied, nodding off already. Genya was a bit amused at the fact that she could sleep sitting up. She was clearly drained. And it did prick Nikolai's conscience when Alina relayed this to him with urgency in her tone but no, not yet. The fear was too deeply rooted in his bones. He felt so little control of himself. How could he face her after so many years with only concern and little else to offer?

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