What the hell are these clothes' names

Start from the beginning

Ron's mum had pulled him aside the day before they left for Hogwarts, telling him that she had something extra for him this year. "Your Hogwarts letter mentioned that you would need dress robes this year. I found these in the attic. If you absolutely hate them we can figure something else out, but I want you to at least look at them before I just owl them to you in the middle of breakfast." She winked at the last bit, and pulled out the most hideous robes Ron had ever seen.

His first reaction was to say he hated them, but he looked at his mum's face and knew he couldn't. His parents would do anything to make their children happy, even if it was a little beyond their means. He looked back at the robes and thought for a minute. "Is there a way you can fix them up some? They're fine robes, but they look like they came in a capsule from the 1800s. I'll wear them either way, but if you have time I bet you could make them look fantastic, Mum."

His mum had smiled a watery smile, and he endured the hug that came flying at him. He had later told Neville that those robes had been the worst robes he had ever seen and he might have just gone in his school robes if his mum hadn't agreed to fix them up.

Now, he got a package in the owl post. It was from Mum. He opened it carefully to find the robes. Except they looked nothing like they had when his mum had shown them to him at home. They looked amazing. She had somehow managed to get rid of the lace entirely, and make the color shine out. She had also put in some lighter embroidery on the lapels. He grinned. His mum was the best.


Pansy had worn many dress robes to many occasions. But this was the first time she would be allowed to pick her own clothing. She had found a black dress at Twilfitt's and Tatting's, and had bought it. She had later found some black beads at a miscellaneous shop that her parent's wouldn't be caught dead at, and went to Madam Malkin's to ask if she could do some work for her. When the final dress came by owl a few weeks before the ball, Pansy was pleased. The dress was perfect.


Draco had had his robes since summer. His mother had taken him to Twilfitt's and Tatting's and told him to find what he liked while she did her other shopping. He had gone for something simple that could match anything, black. He had also found a green tie that matched Harry's eyes exactly and couldn't help but buy it. It would look amazing with the dark outfit. He'd had it altered to his size, then sent to Hogwarts. He had taken the tie home with him, though. He wanted to keep it close to him, if this year was going to be anything like he feared.


Hermione had found her dress via owl order. She had taken to the library to learn some tailoring charms, just in case, but she had picked a reputable store and found a dress that would match Viktor's uniform, which he had explained he was wearing to the ball. It was beautiful while still being modest, but she would also stand out quite a bit more than she usually did. That was good. She had also convinced Padma to help her with her hair, since she didn't want it to be a bush at the ball. Padma had grinned at the request and promised to help.

Hermione nodded sharply in satisfaction and turned to the next thing on her list. Keeping Harry alive underwater for an hour.


Ginny yelped as the needle hit her finger again, for the fifth time in the last hour. It was time to put the dress away. She would be able to finish it tomorrow, but if she continued tonight, she'd probably mess something up from tiredness. After her first year, she had spent a lot of time with her mum, watching and learning, to take her mind off of that whole fiasco. As a result she had learned to sew, and she loved it. She had decided to sew herself a dress at the end of second year, taking Narcissa's and her own measurements to give a maximum and minimum size for the tailoring charms to use. The summer and weekends of work had paid off, and now she had a dress that she hadn't been expecting to wear so soon, but was pleased to be able to nonetheless. She was doubly pleased that Neville's robes matched hers so well.

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