*name* your bets

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AN: Ok, I guess this fic is now being updated every other week even though I try to post every week. I will continue trying to post every week, I think I'm getting into the swing of my summer schedule, as well as the swing of this book in the series. This chapter was hard to start because I had to put myself into the mind of someone completely different to how I normally think, but most of the rest of it will be in Harry's POV most likely. (Not all of it of course, that would be boring and not at all like me.) But anyway, possible trigger warning for very likely wrong depiction of insanity, but this is magical insanity, so I figured some liberties would be fine. If that bothers you, skip the first section until the line break.

Barty Crouch Jr. stepped forward as thunder shook the Hall. It had been almost sixteen years since he had last been in these halls, but then he had been a student. His mother had been so proud to have a Ravenclaw son like herself, but his father had been upset that he wasn't a Slytherin like him. His father's attitude towards him sent him towards the Dark Lord, his ever glorious Lord and Master, who had been the father figure he never knew he needed. His beloved mother had disapproved, but when he had been sent to Azkaban, she still saved him by taking his place. Father had taken great joy in telling him that his mother had died because of him, the worthless son he would have left to rot, but that his mother was too compassionate, too kind, and too loyal to her only son to just leave him to the fate that he deserved, so Barty had killed her.

Barty startled as Dumbledore, that old fool, started talking again. The old man introduced him as Moody, that paranoid fool, which was good. That meant that his disguise was working. Barty took a quick swig from his flask of Polyjuice anyway, just in case. Better to be safe than sorry, after all. He noticed the Potter boy sitting at the Slytherin table and sneered internally. The brat didn't deserve to sit at his Lord's esteemed table.

As he reached the table, Barty began to sit down, but then barked "Constant vigilance!", making most of the children jump. He smirked a little and sat down as Dumbledore continued speaking.

"Ah, yes, Professor Moody here was previously an Auror with our Ministry. He has never been caught off guard because of his favorite saying, 'Constant vigilance'. It kept him alive during a war."

Barty smirked internally again. He had managed to catch old Moody off guard. He was the first one to do it, and he had been under the Imperius for almost ten years. Everyone knew that the Imperius over a long period of time affected the mind. Barty had been one of the smartest in his class, only beaten by Regulus Black, but now he could barely remember the simplest Arithmancy formulas without getting distracted by something.

The food suddenly appeared in front of Barty and he almost jumped, thankfully managing to hide his reaction. It wouldn't do to have his authority overruled by him jumping at plates appearing in front of him. This was normal Hogwarts, after all, and he couldn't be startled by anything. He had to be paranoid and prepared, not jumpy and frightened. He mentally shook himself and settled down to eat.


Harry and Draco reached Les Amis' classroom shortly after Hermione, but before the other members of the group. They had agreed to meet in the classroom before heading to the entrance to the Chamber. Not long after, the others arrived as well, and they began heading to Myrtle's bathroom. A couple minutes into the trip Harry grinned. "So bets on how long it'll take for the new Defense professor to try to kill me?"

Draco glared lightly. "Don't make jokes like that, [redacted]. The fact that two out of three DADA professors have actually tried to kill or at least seriously injure you, and the third also technically tried, but not because he wanted to, does not mean that you should make fun of that and invite disaster."

Harry laughed. "Sorry, Apple. Force of habit I guess."

Ron spoke up. "I'd say he'll definitely try to kill you by Halloween, but it'll be in a super roundabout way."

It was Hermione's turn to glare, and Neville coughed to cover his laugh. Luna nodded agreeably. "Ron is right, I think. Halloween, but in such a roundabout way that it won't come to fruition until the end of the year. Beware of the fire this year, Harry."

Ginny nodded in agreement. "Always beware of fire, but be extra careful this year. If Luna says it, then it's the right thing."

"I'm honestly more concerned about the fact that there's no Quidditch this year!" Ron exclaimed. "How can they take Quidditch away?"

Draco, Harry, and Ginny nodded emphatically in agreement, while Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Honestly!" Draco agreed. "How do they expect us to keep in shape for next year? They can't even let us have normal practice and just no real games?"

"That's a good idea," Neville said. "You should mention that to Snape and McGonagall. They're the ones that care the most about Quidditch out of the House Heads."

They agreed, and Harry opened the door to Myrtle's bathroom.

"Hello, Myrtle," Luna greeted cheerfully.

"Luna!" Myrtle said excitedly, floating over to pet the blonde's hair. "It's nice to see you! And you brought friends! How wonderful!"

"Hello, Myrtle," Harry said. "Is it alright if we go to the Chamber tonight? We want to see Salmissra now that school's back in session."

Myrtle floated over to him to grin and pet at his hair a little as well, and nodded, giggling. "Of course you can, silly! It's your place as much as it's anyone's seeing as you're the only one who can get there except for Tom."

"Thanks, Myrtle," he said genuinely. "If you like, you can come down and see it. Salmissra never looks at anyone directly, so everyone's safe, and the Chamber itself is magnificent."

Myrtle laughed. "Oh, no, Harry. Not today. Maybe another time. You have fun with your friends today, and maybe another day I can go down with you."

Shortly after, Harry was hissing at the sink. He he he, you ssslutsss wink will never guessssss my passssssword.

Draco was looking at him strangely, which confused Harry because Draco had never had a problem with Parseltongue before, so he just ignored that in favor of starting down the stairs that grew out of the walls. The others followed, Ginny last and very hesitantly, only coming because of Luna's grip on her hand. Harry couldn't hear what Luna said, but Ginny was more relaxed because of it.

Before long, they reached the main chamber, and Harry slipped in before the others, hissing a greeting to Salmissra. Salmissra slithered out of her sleeping area as Jor poked his head out of Harry's sleeve.

Hatchlingsss! Welcome back! Did you bring your friendsss?

Yesss, I brought my friendsss, including Ginny.

The fire headed girl? I mussst apologize to her. Transsslate for me, hatchling.

"Guys, you can come in now," Harry called.

They all filed in, Draco hurrying to Harry's side quickly, but Ginny hung back. Harry watched as Salmissra lowered her head to make herself seem smaller.

Oh you poor hatchling, she hissed softly. I am ssso sssorry that Tom usssed you in that way. It wasss not right, and if I ever have the chanccce I will look at him ssstraight in the eyesss and nothing will heal him from that.

Harry translated, and Ginny smiled slightly. "I'd like to see that, Salmissra. You were always kind to me, even if you thought it was strange that I seemed so like Tom. You don't have to apologize for his actions."

Salmissra hissed wordlessly and lifted her head again, gently (for her at least) nudging Harry and the rest of the teens towards her sleeping place. Now that you're all here, I think it'sss time for you to sssee the ressst of my Sssalazar'sss beloved Chamber.

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