Chapter 18~ Zoo Day

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Brooke's POV-

After my nap with Taylor and Bentley on the couch. I wake up to nine loud boys, and a laughing daughter. I slowly open my eyes, and stretch my arms. I put Bentley on the ground and rub behind his ears. With no surprise, he runs off. Elizabeth sees me awake, and she runs over to me and jumps on my lap.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!"

"Whatty?" I ask

"Guess where Nashy, Cam, Shawn, Hayes, Jack, Aaron, Matt, Carter, and Jack G took me today!" She asks sitting in my lap.


"They took me to the ice cream place and to the movies!" She smiles

"How fun! What movie did you see?" I ask

"Tomorrow Land!" She smiles widely, then hops off my lap and runs into the toy room dragging Shawn with her. She is really attached to Shawn. Minutes later I hear them both singing.

"So how's your ankle?" Matt asks.

"It's good." I fake a smile. It still hurts.

"Ya lyin"

"You're right. It still hurts, I have a boot and crutches. It is wrapped. I have to wear it for two weeks then my ankle should be healed." I say

"Well, two weeks isn't that bad." Aaron says trying to lighten the mood. Then all of the guys agree. I just nod, then grab my crutches and hop into the kitchen. I grab some vanilla yoghurt then I cut up strawberries to mix in with it. Once I finished making myself yoghurt, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. It sent a cold chill down through my body. But I knew it was Taylor. He kissed my neck a few times and it tickled a bit.

"I love you." He says smiling. Then I turn around with my yoghurt and kiss his cheek. "Ooh. I didn't have any breakfast. You should share your yoghurt with me!" He smirks.

"Okay, come sit down with me though." I say and hop over to the table. Then sit down next to Taylor. I grab my spoon, and feed him yoghurt like I did when Elizabeth was younger. Then he did the same and fed me. When we finished the yoghurt we both laughed. I dipped my finger in what was left around the edges and tapped his nose. We both laughed then walked to the living room.

Once we had sat down on the couch, Shawn came out of the playroom carrying Elizabeth. She is out like a light bulb. All the boys laugh and so does Shawn. Then he takes her upstairs and lays her down. When Shawn comes back down, everyone starts laughing.

"Wow. Shawn is just so boring Elizabeth fell asleep listening to Shawn talk about his life." Jack J joked. Then Shawn punched his arm.

"Actually, I sang her a slow song. And she fell asleep." Shawn says.

We all laugh, and so does Shawn. Then we talk about stupid things for a while and watch TV. It gets late. Well by late I mean it's 8:00, but I have had a long day and I'm exhausted. I tell Taylor I'm going upstairs for bed. Instead, he stops me from going to my room and drags me out to the front porch, and we sit on the swing.

"Tay.. Everytime you have something important to tell me. You bring me out here. What's up?" I ask

"Well.." He says with sadness in his voice. "You know how the guys leave in 4 days?" Taylor asks.

"Yeah why?" I ask

"I leave too.." Right that moment my heart drops. He is leaving for Magcon. He will be gone for six months. Tears build up in my eyes. "Please don't cry Brooke.. It will make me cry." he says. I stop myself from crying, but there a still tears in my eyes.

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