I should have known. These assholes never let go of things.

"We kinda wanted to know if you really were a girl. You turned Ivan down twice. No sane or insane girl can turn Ivan down..... he's almost Goldly, and you my dear, turned him down twice. So, we assumed you weren't a girl." Jenna pulled herself up from the ground.
  My eyes widened in utter shock as if I was splashed with cold water all over my face. "What......?" I asked, my voice barely audible.
   They drag me down, fuck me up. They fucking stress me. I feel like ending my life.

"We just wanted proof of it so when you and  Emily went for a skinny dip, Ethan was there. Look at the odds," She smiled causally. "Ethan was the mastermind behind this."

  "Jasmine..." Claire gave my elbow a squeeze. "Face your parents tell them about this. Everything will work out." She assured me.

I aimed another punch at her but my hand was pulled back my force.

"Oh, no, no, no, sweetheart. You will not hurt her." I turned my neck and saw Ethan evading my punch. He was protecting her.

"You......" I uttered, my voice full of pain. "Yes, baby. It was me." He interrupted me.

"Don't interrupt me, Etha-" I was cut off in my mid sentence by Jenna.

"Jasmine, he didn't interrupt you. You barely said a word." She said, putting her hands on her hips like she was tired of the drama.

"Yeah, she went like 'You.. you... you' like she was stuttering." Ethan agreed with her, nodding his head, smiling sweetly.

"Now the boys will finally take you to prom. They know you're girl now. Baby, I would love to have after the prom for some classic rituals." He eyed me seductively and winked.

  "Keep dreaming, dog. You're despicable. A horror to mankind," I said. I was getting hysterical.

"Maybe have a threesome," Jenna suggested. "Can I be a part of that threesome." She got into my personal space shoving my chest to mine.

I backed away,and shoved her behind. "Babe, we have seen you. Don't flatter yourself instead be thankful we even considered fucking you. We won't touch you without your permission. I promise." Ethan said.

  "Okay, we have to go. You know exams are approaching and the semester is quite hard. I hope you study well." She said leaving me stunned.

I couldn't control the urge to cry anymore but somehow I covered my sobs by covering my mouth.

Ethan and Jenna started to walk off leaving me alone. I can't believe this happening in real.

I broke down sobbing, my legs giving up the strength they had. I cried and cried until Claire found me.

"C'mon, go in." She urged.

My mum and dad were in the kitchen talking. My father recently had a stroke and I have no idea what this news will do to him.

"Baby, you're back." Mum noticed me in the entrance, quickly realising that something was wrong.

"Jasmine, what happened?" My dad walked towards me. Worry was evident in his voice.

"Dad." I cried. "Something happened to me."


HelloRieza Thank you for such a lovely cover :)

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HelloRieza Thank you for such a lovely cover :)

HelloRieza Thank you for such a lovely cover :)

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