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" Oh my god Zangfu what happen to my child who did it to him" cangse seren

" qizi please let healer heal him first come with me I will explain you everything happen to our son" Wei chanze

Wei chanze and cangse seren went out to room and sect leader wei explain everything his wife briefly and he also tell her about his decision

" how how can they did it to my innocent child ....
Why Zangfu why you marry our to that evil family why Zangfu "

" my lady please control yourself...I know it's my mistake but I will make everything right soon qizi but first let our son heal he need rest and energy for his unborn child please qizi" While cangse just nod with his teary eyes

Few minutes later someone knock their door

" sect leader,...Jiang sect leader and lady Jiang come to meet you " diciple
" take them to sitting area we are coming " chanze
" let's go qizi and meet gege and saozi " and both went toward sitting area

" gege ,saozi" Wei couple greet them while Fengmia hug his brother and yu hug her sister in law
" cangse are you OK dear" yu said
" how can I will OK jie jie when my son is suffering that much "

" Wei I want to ask you something
What do you think should I take Jiang cheng back to lotus pier
After his marriage I never seen him that much happy he used to lotus pier " Fengmia

" gege if you ask me so for my percent I honestly don't think that you can leave cheng there ....just think gege that lan xichen married with three person not because he loves them but his uncle want a rare alpha child for his clan hoe can how can our children will happy there and cheng born beta child I m sure that jerk qiren will never leave any moment to criticize our child " Chanze

" Look Zangfu I said you same but you don't listen me let take our child back
We are lucky that yanli is living happily with her husband because he only have yanli in his life but xichen he has so many option please Zangfu let's take our child back " yu

" bofu I you don't mind then please take cheng here in wei Sect so that he and a-Xian both will feel refresh " cangse

" Hmm you are right meimei I will do that and yu you also live in wei Sect for sometime so that our children will feel good " Fengmia and yu nod on it

" Ok then I take my live to lan sect and take cheng here wait for me " With this Fengmia take his leave and went to lan clan


"welcome Jiang sect leader " lan zhouling

" thank you lan sect leader I want to meet my son privately hope you don't mind " Fengmia

" of course not you can meet him ....xichen take sect leader Jiang to lan cheng " xichen nod and both went to cheng

" lan cheng look your father come to meet you " xichen

" baba " and he hug his father
" baba is a-xian Ok you meet him " cheng

" lan xichen would you give us some time please "
" sure I will back later" and he take his leave

" a-xian is not good healer still try to heal him But cheng tell me something clearly do you want to come with me
I know you are not good here but son don't think about society and people just think for yourself and your can menage Jiang sect and your children can be Jiang sect leader but don't torture yourself here please....I know that lan yao is your husband's fated mate he will never love you with whole heartily son please think "

" you are right baba father in law punish uncle qiren but I know he will not change and my husband he send his half life in rules he also don't gona be change I will come with you baba I want my children to have a beautiful childhood like me and jie and here in lan clan it's not possible " cheng

" Ok son pack your things you guys live in wei Sect for sometime so that a-xian will feel good "cheng nod


" yes sect leader Jiang say " lan zhouling
" sect leader lan I want to break marriage agreement between lans and Jiangs because my child is not happy here and I don't want him to more hope you understand I take my son whit me in few hours " Fengmia
Lan zhouling see lan xichen who is looking sad and helpless but zhouling know he have to be strong because his Sect do wrong very wrong and xichen is also not right so he have to be bare pain now

" Hmm OK sect leader Jiang we accept it " and with this from now on lan cheng is Jiang cheng he is a free bird again somehow is he feeling pain but he more happy and feeling light now he can be happy and he take his leave with his father and his 2 children


" Zangfu why you agree on it I admit wangji and qiren was wrong but xichen what is he do " madam lan

" he marry 2 more persons when he find his fated one already, he listen lan qiren and gave them pain mentally they all are free birds but no one care about their wish in lan clan not even xichen just because a rare alpha child they destroy everything and xichen stay silent so he also has to bear it
And don't forget it you stand for yourself then conditions might be better today because you also follow my brainless elders and don't teach our children right morals of a husband and father they become like this you are also guilty one
I use to love that li mei who know how to stand for herself who can fight for her right, who can teach his children with better morals bit you truly disappoint me " And zhouling take his leave after that


" Zangfu are you OK " yao
" yao if I stand for you all so something like that never be happen ..
I truly disappoint all I m sorry "

" it's OK Zangfu from now on just do right so that you don't have to regret later and for cheng I know you love him somehow just give hi time and than talking him ask for his forgiveness he will forgive you please stop crying " yao

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