Chapter 31: Missing the little girl

Start from the beginning

“Eunwoo, how is it going over there?” He asked, his voice still monotone like always but anyone that was used to how he usually talked would understand that there was a slight edge to his voice that was usually not there normally.

“Nothing much, master, the young lady went to a gadget store to get a computer and some different parts. From the receipt I got from the store, it’s seems like there’s no connection. However, I feel that if you look at it from another angle, there seems to be a more terrifying possibility.” Eunwoo replied.

He was currently watching Lalisa, who was strolling like she had no worries in this life while carrying a bulging school bag.

Since he had no idea what relationship she shared with his master, he was paying attention to her even more than an X- level mission. After all, this was a first for them.

On the other side, his words had piqued Jungkook’s interest.

“Hmmm, send me the list, I’ll have a look.” He already knew that she wasn’t a newbie with gadgets and computers. For anyone that could detect the presence of a tracker that was placed by those side, she was certainly not a nobody.

For someone as cautious as him, he had found it weird that with her skills, she had no computer at home and had just gotten a phone after she met him.

Where then did the knowledge come from.

Also, the mother and daughter pair’s look....

He wasn’t someone that was moved by beauty or appearance, in fact, he had seen so much of it that he didn’t regard it as anything special anymore. Yet, even he had to admit that the little girl’s look were astonishing.

And so he had to send one of his B level men to check what was going on with her.

It was also another way to kill two birds with one stone. If somehow, those other side discovered that she had helped him, they might find trouble with her so Lu San being there also met that he could rest easy.

“I’ll send it now. Also, I would make a trip to the flower store to check things out as soon as she’s safe at home.” Eunwoo added before ending the call.

Jungkook looked at the list that Eunwoo had sent almost immediately carefully. It was no news that the second young master of the Qin family was an all round frightening genius.

From technology to finance, to even things as simple as fashion, he knew how to navigate his way in those things more than the average person and while he had his personal strengths, his expertise on those areas was already enough to have people call him a master.

One of his personal strengths was technology. If perhaps, Lalisa didn’t have the future on her side, it would have been hard to determine who would come out top if they both competed on their knowledge.

And so when he saw the list that Eunwoo had sent over, he also had that same thought that Eunwoo had. Yet, he didn’t dare to be presumptuous.

“That should be impossible right? Or is she trying to test it out.” He murmured to himself lost in contemplation.

As he was thinking, the door to his office barged open and a young man with hair dyed purple entered the office.

“Why won’t you tell me that you have returned?” He asked in an attacking and questioning tone as he plopped down on the seat in front of Jungkook.

“Do I have to tell you when I know you would be here with no invitation in less than twenty four hours?” Jungkook asked with a scoff and then young man rolled his eyes.

“Someday, I won’t be there fussing over you and trying to be there for you. At that time, you would be as lonely as it is.” He threatened.

Every move he made, he always told this boss, even though in most cases. The big boss even knew the move before him.

But at least, he made an effort!

Jungkook on the other hand would never tell him anything.

“If I tell you anything important, with how dumb you are, you would probably be dead by now.” Jungkook shot back at him with with a what looked like an eye roll and yet wasn’t an eye roll.

“What do you mean? Jungkook! Do you take me for someone who’s so weak that they can’t protect themselves?” He cursed out angrily!

Whlile that was going on, Lalisa suddenly felt like she was being watched as she strolled to the bus station.

At a point, Lalisa stopped and looked in his direction, however, he was a second faster than her and was able to put on a perfect appearance of someone that was only talking on the phone and rushing somewhere.

Since he managed to fool her, Lalisa, who had felt like someone was watching her eliminated the young man in casual tops like a college student and looked around one more time.

“It’s probably my imagination.” She murmured and then continued humming as she walked.

“Little Loli, even if I don’t use you, the least you can do is constantly watch around me right?” She asked the system with her mind.

“That’s quite impossible at this system’s level since I have to tap into cameras around to constantly see everything around you. That might cause a disruption in things or even a clash if we pass by a camera that’s being investigated.” The little robot then dived into the many disadvantages that came with it having to watch around her all the time.

“So much just to tell me no!” Lalisa complained with an eye roll.

Since she had gotten to the bus station, she entered the boss that would take her to their estate.

When she got home.

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