Aragog: Go? I think not. My sons and
daughters do not harm Hagrid, on my command. But I cannot deny them fresh meat when it wanders so willingly into our midst. Goodbye, friend of Hagrid.

[Aragog turns, disappears into the shadows of the cavern.]

Ron: Can we panic now?

"Ob.......viously." said Barty mimicking Severus.

[CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! Harry and Ron SPIN. A GANG of FIVE-FOOT SPIDERS bar the path ahead. Begin to move forward. Harry and Ron SPIN again: SPIDERS. Everywhere. CLOSING IN. Desperately, Harry swings the LANTERN in his hand. The spiders falter, then CREEP FORWARD again as the ARC of the LIGHT chases itself away. Around and around. Then: The LANTERN goes out. Harry pitches it aside. As one, he and Ron draw their wands.]

Ron: Nice knowing you.

[They're done for. Fang WHIMPERS. The spiders drawcloser, CLICKING FEVERISHLY, when..... a LONG, LOUD HORN BLEATS. Seconds later, a BLAZE ofLIGHT ignites the hollow and the FORD ANGLIA comes
THUNDERING over the rim and down the slope with Camila in the driving seat, KNOCKING SPIDERS OUT OF ITS PATH. As it SCREECHES to a halt, theDOORS FLING OPEN.]

"Yes! Camila!" cheered people.

Camila: Get in Losers.

Harry:Let's go!

[Harry, Ron and Fang LEAP INSIDE. Ron SHIFTS FRANTICALLY.A SPIDER appears at Harry's open window.]



"She's cursing that means she is so damn pissed." said James.

[Just then, a hairy leg reaches through Ron's window.Instantly, Camila HITS the gas, throws the car into REVERSE.Spiders scatter, but the TWO clinging to the side windows hold tight. As the CAR ZOOMS BACKWARDS out of the hollow, Harry rolls his window tight, SNAPPING OFF his SPIDER'S LEGS.]

"Wait, How does she knows how to drive a Car ?" asked Sirius.

"She is m- Camila what else do you expect ?" said Regulus with a bit red face.

[The Anglia jets out of the hollow, lands with a THUD.Harry turns. The other spider is PULLING RON and Camila from the car.]

Camila: Use your wand dumbass!

[Harry points his wand, utters a spell and aBLINDING FLASH OF WHITE LIGHT BLASTS the spider into theshadows whipping past.]

Ron:Thanks for that.

Harry:Don't mention it.

Camila: Yeah Yeah thank him even kiss him, it's not like I am here trying to save your assess.

"DAMN She is beyond pissed!" said Barty.

"So, Reggie do like this ? like how bossy, sassy and dominant she is ? " asked Rabastan receiving a nod from Regulus.

"Oh so Reggie likes them bad girls!" squealed Barty and Rabastan together causing Regulus to blush hard.

"Woah woah guys this is out of the blue what are you talking about ?" asked Evan Rosier.

"Nothing!" replied the Slytherin trio.

[Ignoring her remark they stop. They hear it: a DISTANT CLICKING. As the car flies over a ridge, they see them: a SEA OF SPIDERS heading straight for them like a herd of raging wildebeest. Ron puts his foot to the floor, SPINS the wheel and sends the car sliding away. The spiders STAMPEDE after.]

[The Anglia SLALOMS through the forest, skimming pasttrees as the spiders CHARGE after. Camila peers ahead,SEES an area of FALLEN TREES. There is an OPENING, one
narrow escape route.]

Harry:That way! It's the only way out!
(looking back)Hurry! They're catching up!

[Camila JAMS the accelerator... just as a GIANT TARANTULA drops in front of the escape route. They are as good as dead.]

Harry: Can you get us in the air?

Camila: Stop telling me what to do I know what I am doing!

"This is abit irritating."

[The spiders behind DRAW CLOSER. The TARANTULA waits ahead. Harry claps his hand over Camila's on the gear shift, pushing. The tarantula's pincers open, ready to kill, when... the GEAR SHIFT GIVES, the Anglia's wheels LIFT and the CAR FLIES OVER CAMERA, leaving the furious spiders below. The car barely avoids the rearing tarantula, then sails over the trees.]

[As they LAND, Fang bolts free. Camila, Harry and Ron exit the CAR wearily, then watch it turn and RUMBLE BACK INTO THE FOREST.]

"Gosh I am going to have a heart attack!" said Lily gripping James arm tightly causing him to wince.

Ron: 'Follow the spiders Follow the spiders! If he ever gets out of Azkaban I'll kill Hagrid. I mean, what was the point of sending us in there? What have we found out ?

Camila: Not before I kill you both! Listen here you dumbasses I am going to murder you if I found you out of your dorm room and I am sure you don't want to mess with me. And you Harry James Potter just because I came to save your ass doesn't mean I am not angry at you and I am not forgiving you anytime soon so move your ass and go to your dorms now!

"She is scary!" said Barty.

"I like her, Baby reggie you are going to marry her." said Bellatrix excitedly.

"She got her anger from Lily and Mom." said James wincing abit remembering their anger.

[Frightened they both went directly to their dorms seeing Camila following them from behind.]

Ron: Your sister is scary mate.

Harry: I know and I really messed up this time but atleast we know one thing  that Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets. He was innocent.

"My guy has his priorities straight. He clearly does not care about Cami."


Hi Guys....I am not even close to Yule Ball but I am very excited for it. I have two dress selected for it one is that fluffy type and other is body fitted or whatever do you call that.


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