{𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒷𝒶𝓁𝓁 }

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The diamonds entered the ballroom, each announced to their courts, nobody knew pink diamond had returned yet so when the 3 diamonds had been announced it was a shock to hear music playing.
Volleyball prepared her voice, 'Now we all must show respect for the safe return of the elegant and radiant Pink Diamond!'
Pink diamond went straight to her throne, they had presented her with a new dress for the ball. It was decorated in shattered gems and she had a choker made from her pearl. The other diamonds were all decorated in shattered diamonds from the rebellion so Pink was constantly reminded of the gems shattered due to her. She glanced at white's new pearl and shivered seeing her wearing ruby and sapphires gems as decoration.
The ball began and the courts made themselves known to their diamonds and the dancing began. Yet there was still an eery tension in the ballroom between the diamonds and pink. Making her almost regret starting the rebellion.
Volleyball inched closer to her diamond. 'Im sorry, welcome back. I've missed you.'
If it wasn't for her cracked facial structure pink would've made an effort to smile, yet there was only tears welling up in her eyes, dropping onto her dress as shards of glass.
Yellow grabbed pink's shoulder, 'Stop crying.' Her voice sent shivers down pink's body. Pink stood up and ran, her big poofy dress weighing her down for her pearl to follow her.
'My diamond!' .. Then the ballroom fell silent until white gave everyone the go ahead and the ball continued.
Nobody except volleyball followed Pink out. Pink paused outside the ballroom, seeing pink hibiscus lining the halls.
Volleyball took her hand and brought her to the nearest warp pad. 'Would you like to go back to your garden my diamond?'
Pink stepped onto the warp pad as conformation. She needed to find what she had left.

The warp pad activated and they were gone without anyone else knowing.

𝒯𝒽ℯ𝓎 𝓀𝓃ℴ𝓌..🥀Where stories live. Discover now