hotel room

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I had no choice but to sit on Jordan's lap was so awkward I just felt like throwing myself out the window ... "mom can we stop at the gas station to take a break I really needed cause she's really havey" Jordan said to miss buttoned "in my mind this boy's really getting on my nerves " I didn't say out load " Jordan that's rude and for that we won't be stopping"miss buttoned said to Jordan   .          "Whatever "Jordan rolled his eyes

~Few hours pass by~we finally got to korea south not north soon as we got the I was soo happy this was the place my mom lived.... u  might be  wondering what I'm talking about well

~Flashback ~
10years ago

I was 6 at that time and my mom was suffering  stage 6 cancer it was really hard for her and my whole family the doctors told us she wouldn't be able to live for more then 3 weeks so one day when I went to vist her she gave me something  "hunny I know that u an I never really spent time together becuz I was always busy but I want to give u this box it's has everything u need to know about me "my mom said with tears in her eyes "mom what's this "I asked my mom  " ohh thas a photo album of when I was in Korea  I know ur a very smart girl but on day when u grow up I want u to take a pic of those places I visited and give it to ur kids make sure it goes on for generations a very smart way to remember me " my mom said happily " I will I promise....... I love u mom " I said to my mom " love u too honey "

End of Flashback

That's all for today hope u liked it and don't forget ro vote

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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