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After an hour or so and about halfway through the flight, Ahmi woke up feeling much better used to catching naps during her shifts at work. Jin appeared engrossed in his movie which looked like one of the Marvel ones. So, Mia softly excused herself, and again went to be sure her patients were okay.

Maria and Brian were overjoyed to see her, and despite both being still exhausted again thanked her profusely.

Mia just smiled. Then they shared the names they had for the new little ones, and Mia started tearing up. The little girl was Amie (not spelled the same, but with the same sound as hers... like Army with a softer R sound after the A), and the boy was Jimin...

She turned to look at Jimin who grinned proudly back, and Mia had all she could do not to start crying. "His whole name is Jimin Vincent." Taehyung piped up proudly.

She needed to get home to her own bed before she made a bigger idiot of herself. But man, she was enjoying this. "So, his name is Jimin V...?" her voice trailed off as that fully hit, and a happy tear slipped out.

Worried expressions met hers seeing her cry, but she just shook her head grinning. "That has got to be the best and sweetest thing I have ever heard..." She said wiping her eye with her sleeve.

"Well..." Maria continued "we wanted to have something special. A memory for them for years to come at how magical their births were. And My father's middle name is also Jim, and Bryan's grandfather's name is Vincent. So, it just seemed perfect!"

She smiled sweetly at him, and Brian looked at Mia explain further. "We have a very... loving family but also very controlling. So, this helps us immensely with being able to defend the names We" he reached to place a hand gently on his wife's hand, "wanted, and not what they wanted."

Maria gave a small chuckle. "They actually wanted us to name the sweetest little one Juliano Rodrigo James Vincent Bryan Cummings." They both chuckled at Mia's astonished face. "So many...?" She blurted, and they nodded.

"Yep, he is the first grandson for either of our parents, and they wanted every single grandfather, father, and great grandfather as part of his name. We were actually a little beside ourselves with trying to figure out what to do."

Brian spoke up. "That's one reason we were on this trip. We won a week-long trip by some miracle and wanted to get away from family. Besides we both have always wanted to see Korea."

"We planned to stay just a week and fly home." Maria spoke up over a yawn. "We figured with a little one coming it might be easier to see the country now..." she chuckled.

"Well, apparently they also wanted to see the country firsthand." Mia couldn't stop the smile but seeing the fatigue coming interrupted the visit. "I'll let you rest, but please let me know if you have any questions or if anything comes up."

She didn't mention the seat change and hoped they don't think of it themselves as she excused herself to return to her seat.

"Yes..." She murmured remembering the day. "It has definitely been a day for miracles."

Settled in once again, she was relieved that Jin was now sleeping using one of the pillows and blankets from the flight attendant.

Carefully retrieving her phone, Mia decided to read for a little while. Before long though, her eyes were drooping, and she was pretty sure she'd reread the same sentence at least 4 times. Sighing softly, she put her phone away, and also lean back to rest.

The jostling of the drink cart woke her up and sitting up she tried to get her bearings. Looking around frantically for a second her hands grasping the arm rests... Except... she startles as she notices one arm rest is softer than the other.

Airplane Pt. 3Where stories live. Discover now