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"Can you pass the syrup?"

"Can you go to hell?"

It's been an all out war in our house for the last two weeks, all eight of us have been at odds with one another. Whenever the storm begins to calm something else happens to keep it stirring. It started with Hyungwon and Kihyun, then Jooheon and Minhyuk, then Changkyun and I..

Eventually the domino effect hit Wonho and Shownu making the last hope we had for resolution completely shatter.

Now we barely speak.

I scrape my plate loading the dishwasher, instead of asking me to put his plate in as well Hyungwon brushes by me to do it himself. I roll my eyes snatching my bag for work off the counter and storming outside.

On my way out the door I run into Wonnie.

Wonnie: Hey, does dad have practice today?
Me: I don't know what Monsta-x has going on.
Wonnie: Mom!

I shrug.

Me: Did you still wanna' grab dinner tonight?
Wonnie: Yes, but with all of my parents.

I'd never put any of my sons in the middle of this feud.

Me: Of course.

I smile giving him a kiss on the forehead.

Once I start my car I feel my blood pressure rise, every single light pops on. I bang my hands on the steering wheel and scream for a good five minutes.

The devil is trying to steal what little joy I have left, and it's working.

Last week before we fell out Kihyun was suppose to take ny car into the shop. Since we're not talking anymore I guess he didn't do it. Wonnie comes back out the house just in time.

Me: Can you do me a favor? After class come grab my car and take it to the shop.
Wonnie: Sure, what's wrong with it?
Me: Everything.
Wonnie: Dad didn't do a..-
Me: They don't do anything lately!

He lets out a low whistle.

Wonnie: Need a ride to work?
Me: I adore you.
Wonnie: I have to drop dad off for an appointment there anyways.
Me: I'll walk.
Wonnie: You guys are being stubborn.

I scoff.

Me: I didn't judge you when you came home for a week because the boys at your house at all your dinosaur nuggets!

He blushes.

Wonnie: They weren't dinosaurs! They were regular nuggets.

Hyungwon comes out the house and I make sure to hop in the front seat. He gets in behind me and sighs.

Hyungwon: Wonnie tell your mother to move her seat up.
Me: Daniel tell your father to bust his knee cap and grow an inch shorter.

The boy turns his music up ignoring the both of us.


After the carpool from hell I dash towards my office letting out an agitated sigh. The other therapist YangYang sits there scrolling on his phone.

YangYang: You okay?
Me: Peachy.

Which is the truth. When I'm at home I'm always on the defense and suffocated with negative aura. At work I feel free as a bird.

YangYang: Still beefing with your monsters?
Me: Beefing is an understatement. Wonnie had to bring me to work and drop Hyungwon off. Being in the same car as him made me wanna' explode

He frowns.

YangYang: That's not good San.
Me: Couples fight.
YangYang: True but fighting seven different personalities can wear you down quicker, make you give up quicker.

Give up?

YangYang: I'm just saying maybe you should see a marriage counselor.


They all frown.

Changkyun: We don't need a marriage counselor!
Me: Look it's either that or a funeral home.

And I'm so not kidding.

Me: We've all been fighting for weeks, it's time to toss a white flag.
Hyungwon: I don't want some stranger in my business.

Deep breaths.

Me: I get that but if we don't do something soon-
Jooheon: What'll happen?

He chuckles.

Jooheon: You're gonna' divorce us?

They all giggle, Wonho notices my face and frown.

Wonho: Santana?

I blink.

Shownu: Woah, let's all slow down now.
Changkyun: You can't leave just because things are hard.
Minhyuk: That's rich coming from you.
Changkyun: What does that mean?
Kihyun: You don't get your way and storm off.
Jooheon: Oh leave it to Kihyun to point out everyone's flaws but his!
Wonho: He thinks he's mother Theresa!

They all begin to argue.

Counseling it is.


welcome backkkkk to the 6th installment of the monsta series. if you haven't read 1-5 then i would highly suggest doing that!!

old and new characters will make appearances.

disclaimer: kinks, smut, violence, harsh language, & suggestive themes are heavily used throughout this book.

if any of those things make you uncomfortable feel free to exit out and we'll catch you around at a different story!

enjoy ❤️

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