Chapter 1 :Secret!

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"should we ask Rikkun what his problem?"said Sougo.

"...Riku won't be telling the truth even he bad in lying something.Before this,he was crying without any reason when we watching Kokona's movie"said Yamato.

"that's's not a sad scene but Riku was crying a lot."said Nagi.

They plan to have talk with Riku about his problem since they hardly to meet each other at the dorm due to their busy schedule everyday.Tsumugi take a deep breathe and maybe she should tell them first.

"anyway guys,I got something to tell you...I just receive a new schedule..and everyday got pack with a lot of offer..they don't want to cancel it since we are out of time..I'm promise only for this time...then I will arrange your break day..I am very sorry for not doing anything for this."said Tsumugi as she quickly bow apologies to everyone.Other member were chuckle with their manager's cuteness.

"well,we can't do anything about it since they already pack it.Why you apologies to us? We will go through it together,"said Yamato as he act as leader.

"don't forget to book us a nice place to take break after our schedule!!"said Mitsuki as he teasing Tsumugi.Tsumugi smile and relief that they didn't complain anything about that,all she was worry Riku.


On Riku's situation,Iori still waiting for Riku until he calm down but Iori can't help but thinking about other things."should do something..I have to stay by his side and comfort him at the time like this.."said Iori inside his mind.

Iori take a deep breathe and slowly approach Riku without letting him know that he was already heard Riku's crying."Nanase-san, I know you were there..don't try to pretend everything was fine or hide from me."said Iori.

Riku didn't expecting that Iori was there.Riku quickly wipe his tears and open the door facing Iori face to face.

"Io-Iori..why you here?? manager will searching for you..."said Riku as he try so hard to hide it.

"Nanase-san,don't pretend it.I know everything!..I told you that you can't hide from me.."said Iori.Riku suddenly burst into tears made Iori wasn't aware that Riku still hold it.


At the hotel,everyone finally got their time to rest and spend time together.They still had schedule for tomorrow.

"since we still a lot of time before sleep,let's have walk together around the town!!"said Tamaki.

"that's good idea Tama! Let's bring other too."said Yamato.

"I will got Iori-kun and Riku-kun here.."said Sougo as he leaving first.

Sougo heading to Iori and Riku's room that was across their room.He knock the door first and Iori appear.

"oh Iori-kun,Yamato-san are invite us together walk around the you want to go?"said Sougo.

"sure since Nanase-san already together with you guys.."said Iori.Sougo were shock with Ioris'.

"Riku-kun with us?..I thought he was with you.. that why I come here to get both of you.."said Sougo.

"but Nanase-san told me that we will be in my brother's room,so I-...don't tell me he was make excuse to go somewhere without telling us?..."said Iori as he was a little mad at Riku's behavior.

"let's go tell manager first"said Sougo.

Sougo and Iori quickly take action when Riku wasn't with them.Sougo tell other member while Iori looking for their manager.When Iori knock the door,Banri was the one who open the door.

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