That stormy night

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The sky was filled with stormy-lightning clouds making the amavasya darkness more darker than ever. Maybe the sky knew after 3 days, the great war of mankind is going to be happen. The bloodshed is going to be filled across the land of kurukshetra making it's soil red for all time.

Everyone acknowledged the unforgettable effect from the war. But sill the stubborn kauravas are not willing to settle down the matter with ease. In the shelter-tents, the pandavas are planning their strategies they are going to use against their enemies whereas in opposite side the kauravas have slight relief as they have pitamah bhisma and drona like warriors fighting from their side.

Everyone is busy in checking the weapons, planning suitable strategies, improving their warfare skills. Meanwhile, karna was totally devasted after learning the truth that he is going to fight against their own brothers and he is tied by the promise he had given to kunti that he doesn't kill her any sons except arjuna. Somewhere, he had the feeling til shri krishna's supporting the pandavas there is no victory for kauravas.

A guard came inside the tent and inform karna that shri krishna wanted to talk with him in personal. Karna's happiness has no bound, he had identified the divine aura from krishna despite showing arrogance towards him. He rushed outside and meet Krishna, his eyes filled with tears he is seeing one of the most attractive person in the world.

He greeted the lord with utmost devotion and sincerely asked the reason he came near his tent as the enemies side were not allowed to be there .

Krishna asked karna that he is here to have some serious conversation about the war. Karna invited Krishna inside the tent and ordered guards to keep watching around the area, in case if any kauravas personnel came he must be ready to answer their queries regarding krishna's presence.

When they both entered into the tent, karna burst down in tears. His endurance had crossed it's limits and he is feeling helpless, he still couldn't able to accept that he is the son of kunti and his brothers are going to be his enemies.

Shri Krishna embraced karna and ask him to clam down; after embracing Krishna, karna got some kind of relief and sense of joy in his heart.

Before karna reveal his identity Krishna says that he knew who is karna and his relationship with pandavas. He is here to talk about that and give a solution to karna's doubts and miseries.

Karna said that "oh, lord there is nothing which could be hidden from you; you are supreme personality, you knew everything before me and before everyone, I couldn't take it that I'm a kaunteya".

"My identification for which I taunted through-out my life is absolute wrong, I have no idea what I have to do in coming days, the war is going to destroy two clans. I'm not ready to fight against my brothers and it's killing me inside that my brothers are going to be against me in the war".

Krishna replied "Don't worry kaunteya, Today I'm here infront of you to help you from your distress. Listen to me, you are not going to fight against your brothers. you are the eldest son of mata kunti, you are the elder brother of pandavas. You could be the empire of hastinapur if you join pandavas side in war.

"Unwillingly and unknowingly you did many crimes in past, but they all will be forgiven only if you are ready to leave kauravas side and join us. I'm not going to offer you to fight against kauravas, it's your choice. You can stay in my palace till the war end and once it ended I'm promising you the kingdom will be yours, you will be the new king of kuru dynasty. The pandavas will be in your side, serving you with all you need. You rule and they will keep you rulling for good".

Karna was bewildered like never before, all he had two choices. Listen to lord Krishna's advice or fight by the side of kauravas in order to follow his rights as a friend to duryodhana.

Would karna choose the second choice and loss the last chance of moving in the right direction? Or he choose krishna and betray his friend?

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