"Tried it, the ivy doesn't go all the way to the top. And besides where are you gonna go from there?" Newt was starting to get tired of the regular questions Thomas would come out with, almost being able to predict what he was going to ask next.

"Yea, well what about the Box. Next time it comes up, you just jump-"

"No, we've tried that. The Box won't go back down with someone in it."

"Alright what if we-" Thomas started again, but Newt cutting him off. Recalling the past event that had happened when two gladers tried going down into the empty abyss below the Box.

"No, we tried it, all right? Twice. Trust me anything you think of, we've already tried. The only way out of here is through the Maze. Now, look if you wanna be helpful?" Newt turned and bent down to pick up a wicker basket and threw it towards Thomas.

"Here, go dig us up some fertiliser." With that Newt got back to work on the fruit vines in front of him, as Thomas walked away and stumbled over a stick with the basket in hand.


Thomas tramped his way through the greenery that littered to floor, while talking to himself in frustration while heavy breaths escaped his lips.

"No i'll just get the fertiliser. You know where it is. It's just out in the middle of the woods."

Eventually he dropped the basket by a tree, and carried on walking. Weaving in and out, through branches and over a flowing stream. He fixed his eyes on what looked like a grave stone, made out of sticks and string, with an engraved piece of bark tied on the front reading George.

His eyes trailed off to the things that surrounded the structure and bent down to get a closer look. Ribs. A whole rib cage with dried, old blood was scattered around the grave stone. A serge of alarm and dread rushed through him and he stood back up, backed away and turned around.

Standing there panting, his chest heaving up and down as he glared towards Thomas was Ben, still in his runner gear, face covered in filth and sweat.

"Uh...Ben, right? I don't know if we, uh ever-"
Before Thomas could finish he was cut off by a shallow growl coming from Ben as his face started to shake. "Hey are you okay?" Thomas asked, stepping forward.

Ben's face screwed up, and all of sudden he erupted in a raucous scream as he lunged his body forward and onto Thomas. Their body's struggled against each other as Ben was trying to push down, where Thomas was forcing his body to move up and to push Ben off himself.

"Get the hell off me!" Thomas exclaimed. The urge to be free from the force he was under was bursting as the aggression and violence seethed out of Ben. You could see the darkness in his eyes, as he stared right back into Thomas'.

"It's your fault. I saw you!" Ben yelled back, his hands now wrapped firmly around Thomas' wrists. His finger nails digging into the skin, deeper and deeper as Thomas started to yell out louder and louder in pain. Ben continued to scream until his voice was hoarse in Thomas' face when he finally drew blood.

A harrowing scream was let out by Thomas when Ben released from his wrists, but he quickly reapplied pressure onto his neck. Pushing his hands together, squeezing his neck as tight as he could, feeling the bulged veins against his palms. Thomas flailed his arms aimlessly against the face in front of him, blood trickling down his forearms, losing sense of coordination as his last breaths we're being pushed out of him.

Thomas finally managed to conjure up a swing from his right arm and punched Ben across the jaw. Unfazed. Ben returned a blow across Thomas' face, though this gave him the chance to turn his head and notice a skull sat by his side. Without wasting a second he picked up the skull and struck Ben across the head with it, causing him to roll off him and onto the ground, allowing Thomas to stand up and start running.

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