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after the millionth time of kitty trying to wake minnie up, she finally got up after kitty yelled in her ear.

"ugh, you bitch" minnie groaned, pressing her ear with her finger.

"get up, or we'll be late!" kitty yelled, running in the bathroom.

kitty went to the bathroom to shower as minnie went to the other room to shower. she took out her strawberry scented products and then went to the bathroom.

after taking a long shower, she got out, and went to kitty's bathroom and dried her glossy, silky raven wavy hair with a blow dryer. they both did their makeup, passing each other makeup products.

"which one?" minnie asked holding two lipsticks in both hands.

kitty didn't answer and continued putting on mascara.

minnie clicked her tongue and nudged her with her elbow "which red?" and kitty finally looked at her "flamenco red or red dahlia red?" minnie asked.

kitty thought and then answered "red dahlia" minnie nodded and smiled as she wanted to put that one more.

she liked them both and was confused but she liked the red dahlia colour more.

minnie put the setting powder under eyes, making it look as if she never wore concealer and then she put mascara.

"do my eyeliner" kitty said, as minnie finished putting on mascara and then brushed them with a eyebrows brush to remove clumps.

she se the brush down and turned to kitty, stepping close and slowly doing kitty's eyeliner.

"see, they're almost twins" minnie said, proudly as kitty turned to look in the mirror.

"you're a genius" kitty said, repeatedly looking at the eyeliner work.

"i know" she said, putting on glitter eyeshadow on her double eyelids and then doing her blush.

"it's so unfair, you basically fit in the korean beauty standards" kitty said.

"ugh, it's all bullshit. it's so misogynistic and i don't care" minnie said, pulling away after being so close to the mirror.

"easy for you to say" kitty said.

"whatever" minnie said.

she really didn't care much about her looks. sure, she knew she was beautiful but looks wasn't all that matter, it's personality aswell. if looks was all that mattered, then she would've started dating luke.

luke wasn't hot atleast to minnie he wasn't. he was somehow attractive to most girls in school except minnie, since she has extremely high standards.

minnie did her eyeliner, and then carefully got ready in her dress as did kitty and then wore some black pencil heels. she grabbed a black glittery clutch adding some important stuff in it like setting powder, mascara, lipstick, compact mirror, tissues, bandage, and her phone.

they walked towards the hall where the party was held, confidently, looking at each other and smiling.

they were hot. no doubt.

"woah, this is definitely not the adler high spring dance" kitty said to her as minnie looked at her, agreeing and they looked around the blue lit room.

"ooh, cupcakes!" minnie said, cheerily, dragging kitty with her.

minnie was a reserved and introverted person infront of others but when she was with her family or her only best friend, kitty. she would be different cause she can be herself with them.

kitty has been her best friend since the starting of middle school. and minnie had decided to only keep her as her best friend.

as they walked, kitty hands wrapped around minnie's arm, looking at the beautiful big room filled with decorations and food and places to take pictures.

minnie doesn't realise that she was bumping into someone.

the guy grunted and minnie turned around "oh, sorry" minnie said, in monotonous tone.

"god, watch where you're going" the guy said, his voice dripping of annoyance and a british accent.

kitty scoffed as they both recognised the boy "so, you do speak english" minnie said, slightly annoyed, her voice in a british accent.

kitty looked at her and minnie also turned and then minnie winked at her, making kitty smile.

the guy beside him, laughed and said "busted" handing him cloth.

"welcome to kiss" the guy said.

"don't feel bad. he loves to pull this move on people. he did it to me the first time we met" the guy said, as the british guy wiped his shirt and minnie rolled her eyes.

the guy nudged the british making him spill his drink on his shirt again "goddamn it, q, this is bespoke!" he exclaimed, annoyedly.

"shut up about the clothes. look at our boy" the apparent, q, guy said.

"where did dae get that suit?" the british guy asked.

"yo, dae!" q yelled as kitty turned around, and then minnie did too.

looking around to see her best friend's boyfriend, but not finding him and then looked at her best friend who was already staring at him, dreamily. she followed her gaze and found dae.

dae sees kitty and his hand stops. they're both staring at each other as minnie confusedly looks at the both of them who are unmoving but just staring.

"go, what are you waiting for?" minnie nudged kitty.

she started running as did dae and then they hugged.

"aww, so cute. i'm gonna throw up" minnie said, grabbing the drink from the british guy.

"yo, what?" he asked, looking at his drink and then at minnie, who ignored him.

"wait, what's going on?" q asked, as minnie set her drink down, taking out her mirror and lipstick to touch it up and leaning on the table.

"reunion of two lovers that were torn apart by distance because of cruel families and generational rivalry" minnie answered, again in a british accent with her eyes on her lips through the mirror as the two boys looked at her and she didn't say anything else.

she turned to look at kitty to see dae and yuri but not kitty. she stood up and looked around to see her running out.

"oh god" minnie whispered to herself and then ran outside.

"why are you not dae?" kitty asked.

"you mean the guy you don't want to talk to?" the older guy confusedly asked, as minnie reached outside.

"that son of a bitch cheated on you?!" minnie exclaimed.

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