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they stood by the airport, waving goodbye to their families arm in arm and then walked inside the airport.

"katherine song-covey. kitty to my friends"

"autumn sangwon"

"we're on our way to seoul, korea" kitty said.

"yes, i see that in the system" the lady said, as she checked our passports.

they sat on the chairs, waiting for their flight as minnie texted her parents and kitty texted her sisters.

" everything is going perfectly fine. can't say anything about the future. i'm nervous and i feel i'm about to puke my organs out (okay that was too graphic) but i know i'm gonna be fine since i have kitty. don't miss me too much since i know you guys can't live without me🙄and also ask lia what she wants me to get for her.

xoxo, min. "

"whoa" a girl from beside of her said as they all looked at where she was.

a guy stood up from his seat, confidently, slinging his duffel bag on his shoulder as he also walked confidently.


minnie thought as he took off his glasses and slight shook his head to push his hair back. he was a tall, lean, handsome korean guy. sharp jawline, perfect nose, his face screaming 'i'm rich and mean'.

his bag hit kitty's shoulder and she gasped "excuse me" turning around to look at him as he did.

"wait, do you go to kiss? we're going to kiss" kitty said as she pointed to her and minnie when they both noticed his uniform.

that sounded a bit wrong.

"no englishi" he spoke, his tone filled with a korean accent, giving her a look and then turning around to walk away.

"okay, rude" kitty murmured.

they got into their plane and unfortunately for them. they had to sit separately. they decided they will text through their phones and be on facetime all the time since none of them wanted to be alone in a plane filled with strangers.

their flight ended and kitty and minnie met up. exploring the korean airport, shopping and getting ice cream. they walked out of the airport looking around and seeing their bus, they ran towards it but it started leaving.

they fastened their steps and ran quickly but kitty tripped and minnie stopped.

"you okay?" minnie asked, yelling.

"yeah" kitty replied, yelling back. getting up and grabbing her fallen suitcase and they started running again.

the bus drove away and they stopped, officially missing their bus. they decided to go through metro and after finding it and dragging their suitcase up the stairs.

they walked through the seoul busy streets, trying to ask people for directions but some ignored them and some didn't know.

as they walked trying to find the school, kitty got hit by a car and her shopping bags threw in the air.

"oh my god!" minnie exclaimed, running to her friend and checking her.

"are you okay? are you alive?" minnie asked as they people inside the car got out of it.

"i'm breathing. so yes" kitty said.

"oh thank god" minnie said, sighing.

"are you okay? do you need help?" a girl asked after a man in korean said something they didn't understand.

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