Shanique feels bad for me. This is impossible. This is the end of the world!

“They are bad people, worse than Lila. She showed who these people truly are.” Rico looked at me when she said that.
“Gold diggers and jerks.”

“They are.” We all turned around to see Selena leaning on the wall with a mug of coffee.
“Were they dealt with properly?”

“Miss Ivy called lawyers and gathered evidence the school wasn’t bothering to look at, called the Italian school board, and informed my former friends’ and my classmates’ parents to inform what they did to me."

They all didn't look angrier now as they know about the karma others got.

"That time, Lila left with her mother, so her mum is the only one who does not know about Lila’s lies.”

I smiled, remembering how everyone was shocked to get lawsuits. I wasn’t inside the class, but I was watching that through the big window of my classroom.

“Everyone tried to apologize to me, even my parents, but Miss Ivy as CPS has made sure that my parents aren’t allowed to come near me, I left with Miss Ivy to France and never came back to Italy again."

"I vowed the moment before I left Italy that I would find Lila and give her what she deserves and help people who are in danger because of her.”

I opened the next page of my notebook.

“So, I created a plan. I know it is hard, but I need your help to do this plan. I will owe you for this…”

“We are in.” I smiled when they said that, even Selena secretly said that only I hear it.

“What’s the plan?”

“The same way as we have done back in Italy.”

Plan 1. Prepare the leave.

“Marinette is preparing the application for the scholarship for Nino so he wouldn’t be in danger during this process. We need to go to Paris and see how much he is screwed."

“Hey look, is that Nino with Rico and a random dude holding Chris while running from some random gang?” Trevor pointed out.

“Yes, it is. We need to stop those people behind them.” I saw buckets of paints in the builder’s carts. “Grab these.”

Plan 2. Get fame.

“We need Nino to be somehow famous anonymously to Lila lie about him. He might not agree to this easily, but it is worth a shot. Music-based would be the best to he performs at the Gala and reveal himself.”

Plan 3. Celebrity notice.

“We need to find out who Lila lied about and make sure that everyone would be there.”

“Based on what I know from Nino, Nath would be the best person to ask, as well as Marc, but still.”

“Thanks, Rico.”

“Why do you want to know everything about Lie-la?” Nath is looking at me confused.

“Because these people will help me expose Lila. Can you help me?”

They nodded.

Plan 4. Get prove

“We need also for the lawsuits all evidence about Lila’s lies, her and her classmates' bullying, and her faking evidence.”

“I can hack into the school’s camera system and copy the footage legally.
Mochi smiled like crazy at that.

“I found that Ladyblog has her lies there as well.” Trevor showed me his phone that has that blog.

“I can interview these people Lila claimed about.” Chelsea squealed at that.

“These would all do.” I smiled at them wanting to help me. This is amazing.
“Once we gather everything, we need to give them to the lawyers.”

Plan 5. Gala Time

“And finally, we will perform our songs there and once this would be over; we start the fun part.”

“Exposing Lie-la for good.”

2 weeks after the Gala

Nino’s POV

“And what happened after the Gala?”

Mrs. Utile is sitting at the chair beside Mr. Nounours in Religious Studies, presenting to my class ‘Our Best Moments of the Year.’

“Well, Kate, Shanique, and I spend three days in the courtroom, dealing with the lawsuits I with Marinette, my gang, and many famous people have charged. Everyone got what they deserved.”

Rose and Juleka are working for MDC in New York for a few weeks to pay up for what they owe.
They were actually willing to do so, even when the charges have been for them removed for cooperating and being the witnesses for others.

Mylene, Sabrina, and Ivan are charged with 500 hours of community service, and they have to pay up for what they owe to Marinette. They are the people who have been violent to my gang.

Alya and Adrien are more screwed than others combined.
They both have to be in Juvenile Detention for 2 weeks. They both were the evilest sheep of them all.
They also have 1000 hours of community service after they will be out and they have to pay Mari, my gang, and me for the damages cause to us all.

Lila, the one who caused the most damage to everyone, has been charged with 20 years of prison, well after some bit in Juvenile Detention, and has to pay up for every damage caused to people, businesses, and to charities.
She also has restraining orders from every famous person.

Everyone knows not to go near them and to leave if they would go towards them.

Even Nath, Kim, Max, and Alix have transferred to Marc’s class to not deal with them again, even if they still come over to talk to them.

The school is under investigation. Mr. Damocles and Miss Bustier have been fired for not doing their jobs properly and for letting the bullies do whatever they want and letting the victims suffer.

Like I care about those people that I thought would be smarter than this.

“Once this was done, I kept working on my DJ career, and it is going pretty great. My friends from Paris and I keep in touch still, and my friends here are always open to they hang out with us. But there is one thing that is the best moment of all, not counting the ones that I just said.”

Everyone leaned closer to hear what else I will say.

“That justice has been served and there is no more toxicity in Paris.”

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