Chapter 6

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Selena’s POV

If it weren’t for the fact that I have a good understanding of people’s incidents like the fact that a random dude bumped into me, this would have ended up way differently.

And that random dude is called Nino.

He seems like a nice guy. Someone who wants to be a DJ. He had a hell school life because of a certain liar in his former class.

I feel bad for him.

Sucks that he lied that he wasn’t chased by his classmates, but it is common knowledge that he would do that.

I mean, who would say “Yeah I am fine, I was running away from my classmates because they want me dead but in a most torturous way” to someone who they just met?
Not me.

How do I know? Well simple.

When you have dormmates that talk about what they did over the weekend or what they are planning to do right now, it is obvious that I put two pieces together to form an answer.

No, I am not a part of the Star Effect team, but they want me to join them since they heard me sing.

I don’t know if I want to join yet.  My parents used to be singers and they would have been proud of me joining the team, but I need to organize myself first.

I mean, I look like a mental mess who drinks a lot of coffee like Tim Drake Wayne.

But back to reality, I am currently leaning on a wall looking at the shocked DJ staring at me. Sweet.

“How is this possible? You never told me you are going to be in the same school as me. Hold on, how did you know that we will be in the same school? What the hell!?!” I guess I shocked him so much that nino.exe is glitching. Oops.

“Well, if you have the idiot head boy as your dormmate, you wouldn’t find out everything you need to know?” I made Trevor mad again.

“Besides, we are your dormmates. We were informed of your joining. They also told us your name.”

I smiled while he recovered from the shock.

Nino’s POV

To say I was surprised that she is here is an understatement.

Am I dense like Kim or what?

“Why didn’t you say anything about it?”

“And why would she say that if you lied to her about the running away thing?” This time, the girl, Shanique, asked that.

She has black hair with side shaved, dark skin, and dark brown eyes, and she is wearing jeans and a black tank top.

She shocked me about what she said though. How does she know… hold on.

“It was you guys who threw the paint at my class, were you?”

“Yep.” That explains why they look familiar.

If I noticed those people properly when I was running, I might have noticed that these people who saved me from that class are standing right in front of me.

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