Chapter 95 : A Temporary Goodbye

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Looks like it wasn't only my sister I have to convince, to allow me to leave. It's also Aiden...

I mean he is pretty against the idea of me meeting Lael, especially since I am meeting him in his kingdom. But, Alaric has already approved of my journey to Acker Kingdom.

"Aiden... would you mind letting my hand go?" I ask as I let out a tired sigh.

Everything has been settled, and Alaric has already prepared everything I need. He has also sent a letter regarding my arrival at the Acker kingdom. I am certain that Lael has personally prepared the room where I will be staying. Though I have no idea what kind of welcome I will receive once I arrive. Lael tends to go overboard when it comes to me, and I'm a bit worried.

There is no other place they would allow me to stay other than the palace of the Acker kingdom. Alaric has also mentioned that the King has allowed me to settle at the main palace during my stay there. Though I am convinced, Lael is the one who pulled the string for that.

The first time I met Lael, I thought he was just a mercenary that got caught in a fight or something. Since I saw him, pass out in an alleyway where I usually ran off to hide from my family. And ever since I help him and we got to know one another, we gradually started collecting poor souls that we found along the way. Well, truth be told, the members of our guild are the ones that manage to find us and they just start tagging along.

And that is how the guild got formed.

That alleyway was safe since I personally taught a lesson to all the gangs in that area. They once tried to kidnap and sell me off, but with Rosalyn's power, I overpower them. They are now members of the guild that Lael and I founded.

"I will only let go once you allow me to come with you. Don't worry, once I made certain that you arrived safely I will go back to the tower. Hence please, can I go with you?" He pleaded once more as he stares at me with such a pleading look.

Umm... I think Aiden has been learning the act of cuteness from my sister. He is acting too cute right now, and I am sure he is aware of it. Given that his ears are really red from embarrassment, he is still determined to continue this act.

"That is right! Rissa! It will be much safer to have him with you on your journey. So allow him to guard you!" My sister chimed in as she holds my left hand.

I knew it! Lia is the one who hauled him here. Since she can't stop me on her own, she drags Aiden in hopes of stopping me. Pfft! How cute!

I shift my attention to Alaric who is trying to stop himself from laughing at my situation. Even the maids and servants who are witnessing this situation are trying their best to stifle their laughter. Honestly. I cannot blame them for it. It's pretty funny seeing these two act so childishly like this.

Glaring at him, he coughs before taking a deep breath. His cheeks have turned red from stifling his laughter.

"Well... I have already made sure that Rissa will be safe throughout the whole journey. But adding Aiden will lessen Lia's worry about your safety," Alaric answered as Lia turn to glare at him when he almost took my side.

Ah... What do I expect? Lia is still Alaric's weakness. And here I thought he would help me with this situation. But his eyes are informing me that he wants to side with me. Yet I know, his wife's wishes are still his priority. I admire him for that, now I know... I can trust my sister to him.

Shifting my attention back to the two who are still holding my hand, they stare back at me while wearing pleading looks.

I did not know that I had adopted two children in the span of one night.

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