Happy Together

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"You should rest now. I am going to get freshened up," he informed her, caressing her cheek.

Nisha bobbed her head. He was really in his formal suit; the same which he wore at her birthday celebration. She walked towards the bed again and reclined on it.

The sound of Ruhaan's shower sounded in the still surrounding. Nisha stared at the ceiling. Everything was looking like a dream but at the same time, it wasn't one. It was reality. There was a time she used to consider Ruhaan Sufiyan Ahmad as a prince who was out of reach. But now, he was all hers; claiming to love her so much.

She turned off the lamp on her side table and closed her eyes. The door of the washroom clicked and Nisha sensed Ruhaan's familiar footsteps. Then the fragrance of his usual colon hit her nostrils. The bed dipped and Ruhaan laid down beside her. He quickly pulled her into his stretched arm. Her back hit his bare chest. She stifled a smile.

"Sleeping already?" He whispered in a husky voice and dropped soft kisses on her neck. Nisha shivered at the amazing feel.

Nisha changed the side and now she was facing him. Ruhaan smiled when he noticed her attention.

"I love you so much," he smiled, gently stroking her hair. "Thank you for accepting me back. Nisha, I promise you. I will always love you and keep you happy."

Nisha's eyes got wet but she swallowed the tears. She didn't want to ruin this beautiful moment by crying.

They both have come a long way to see this day. She raised her hand towards his face and touched his eyes, nose, and, cheeks like she was getting convinced that he was really here.

Ruhaan bent forward and kissed her both cheeks before protecting her in his strong arms. She kept her head on his chest and closed her eyes again with him gently patting her hair, drifting her into a relaxed sleep.


                [A MONTH LATER]

Today was a busy day. Nisha was scrambling from here and there. She had to get ready too and dress up Eshal and Aliyan as well. Today her kids turned one year old and Ruhaan had arranged a birthday party for them. Along with that, it was a formal reception of her and Ruhaan as well. He would introduce her as his wife in front of his friends and employees.

"Aliyan, come back here, baby," she reprimanded him while combing Eshal's hair. He was trying to run but of course, his steps were that articulated yet. She was afraid he might fall while playing like this.

She had made Eshal wear a light blue Cinderella dress while Aliyan was in a small blue three-piece.

Aliyan cackled and mumbled some incoherent words. Right at this moment, Ruhaan entered the room, looking all handsome and tall in a dark grey suit. His gaze landed on Nisha and after that,  he forgot to look away. She was looking so gorgeous right now in a pink golden long and heavy maxi dress. It was studded with pink embroidery and stones. The golden pink dupatta was hung delicately around her shoulder. Her mid-waist-length hair was loosely curled. In minimal makeup and cute jewelry, she looked like a fairy to Ruhaan.

"Da--dd--dy..." Aliyan called him in pauses and then he got attentive towards him. He was glancing at him with his big blue eyes same as him, both hands in the air wanting to climb into his Daddy's embrace.

Ruhaan reached down and picked up the baby boy in his arms. Aliyan recently started talking a proper word and Daddy was the first thing he uttered. 

Nisha turned around at Aliyan's voice and found her gorgeous husband standing at the threshold, looking at her with all love and admiration. He walked in her direction and then his eyes caught the sight of the diamond set given by him in her neck.

His Ignorant Lover ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz