I like it.

She squeezes her eyes at me and then his head dips to her shoulder and he's going for it, having her like she's his favorite snack.

Oh fuck.

I almost curse out loud when the next two minutes are a complete mess. One minute they're passionately making out, which dare I say pisses me off, just a little bit. The next they're yelling. Well, she's yelling at him and he's just standing there speechlessly taking her sass.

It's not your fault fella.

I guess she has that effect on men.

Been there too, earlier today. 

She storms out on her heels while her date curses something under his breath, rubbing his hands over his face. He for sure feels like shit as he returns to the counter, slaps a second shot and leans forwards, his head on top of his forearms.

"Man down." I tell Rhett while nudging my elbow in his side.

He widens his eyes and shakes. "I'm not mad about it."

I am.

Kind of.

"I'm gonna go make a little pitstop." I tell him and he looks confused. "Bathroom."

Rolling my eyes I leave the kitchen, taking my lie with me. Yeah, I'm not going to the bathroom. I don't need to take a piss; I want to find her and check up on her. She'll probably yell at me, but I'll take it. I don't know what it is about this girl, but I hated to see her so upset. It was hard to watch as her lip started to tremble, because from whatever she was yelling, he probably rejected her.  


I have no idea where she went but I'm just testing my luck.

I'm running up the stairs which is the safest place she could flee to and I'm guessing from the amount of public embarrassment she just went through, that's where she went.

"Too many doors." I mutter to myself when I look at the empty hallway and stroll through it. I hesitantly open a few doors, at least the ones without a code on the lock, expecting to walk in on drunk couples making out, but told you this party sucks. All I find are empty rooms.

I'm out of luck.

I'm not.

I instantly have to take my words back when the door I walk past flies open and a body flies into me full force. "What the hell." I mutter while I steady her on her feet.

Instantly she shrugs off my hands and hisses. "Look where you're going." Finally her eyes meet mine and her slight surprise instantly turns into another scowl. "You."

"What?" I put my hands up. "You ran into me."

"Are you really going to argue about who bumped into who?" She scoffs and the eyeroll she gives me is cute. Almost as cute as the frown on her face.

"You're annoying." I mutter underneath my breath. That isn't a lie, she really is. The way her hair looks so perfect is, those stupid little freckles on her nose are, her perfect now smudged red lipstick is, her perfect height and that ass. Her ass is annoyingly perfect.

"You're annoying." She imitates me, but not my voice, nah, she sounds like a little kid now.

"Child." I mutter and her expression says is all.

She hates me.


"Heather breaker." She snaps back and the hostility is comical. I also get what she did there: heart breaker, Heather breaker, she thinks fast.

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