How To End A Book

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Leo woke up in his bed, Nazo was licking his head, but started jumping around the room when he saw Leo was awake.

" Nazo, um your here, in my room, um does Master Splinter know your here!? " Leo asked confused.

Nazo simply roared and smiled.

" Haha, good to see your feeling good boy, but where... " Leo was cut off because Nazo pushed him to the door.

Leo opened the door and went downstairs, only to be almost tackled by Mikey.

" LEO, HEY EVERYONE LEO'S OKAY " he shouted making everyone run to him.

Everyone was relived to see Leo, and Leo was glad that everyone was okay to. Then Master Splinter walked up to him.

" Welcome home, my son "

" Thank you Master "

" Leonardo...After seeing the danger that this dragon has brought to you..." Master Splinter began.

' Oh Boy, here it comes, " I have decided that you must get rid of him " ' Leo thought to himself as he patted Nazo, who was behind him the whole time.

"...I have decided may keep him " Master Splinter finished.

Leo looked at him, shocked.

" mean it!! " Leo said as Nazo began to wag his tail.

" Yes my son, I think it will be a very good teaching aid for us all "

" And besides, if you don't have a dragon, how will you keep up with us " Raph interrupted.

" What do you mean? " Leo asked confused.

Raph simply smiled and whistled.

Then out of nowhere, the dragon that Raph had been riding when they faced the Shredder jumped out from behind him and roared loudly, but then smiled.

Leo smiled at Raph and Raph smiled back as Don and Mikey whistled and their dragons jumped out from the shadows.

" Leo, Nazo, meet Flamethrower " Raph said as his dragon roared.

" Manic " Don said petting his feathered dragon.

" And the best...Nuka " Mikey added and his dragon nudged him.

Leo smiled and Don handed him a brand new flight suit that was blue in colour to match Leo's mask.

" Welcome back bro, we missed you " They all said in unison.

When the night finally arrived, Leo hopped on Nazo's back and tested out the flight suit as he waited for his brothers to catch up.

When they finally did, Leo looked at Nazo.

" You ready boy! " Leo asked excitedly.

Nazo roared a reply and then they were off at the speed of lighting.

As they were flying Leo was thinking about something.

" Dragons...I was always one to think that I would never see one in my life, let alone...ride one, But now that I have I realize that trust is the most important thing to a person or teenage mutant ninja turtle... Because without trust in Nazo, I could've died. "

And with that he and Nazo flew off to their next adventure.

( Lolz, I'm soooo cheesy, yea I'm also not good at writing final speeches, sorry... Oh but good news, I'm gonna be writing book 2 very soon so keep in touch, thank you for all the reads, this is my first book so I'm soooo happy that at least I got a read at all. Luv u guys!!! Ttyl )

A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle And His Dragon (Completed!!!!!!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt