How To Tell Your Brothers You Have A Dragon

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Leo was able to get the battle-shell to April's without any of his brothers knowing because Leo made sure that they were still asleep. Leo had to lure Nazo into the battle-shell using some raw fish, but they eventually reached the old construction site down by the abandoned docks.

The site was located in a big dug out hole that you would have to use a rope to get out of, because the dirt was too soft to use to climb. There was a partially built office building that was pretty tall, not to mention it gave you a wicked view if you could manage to climb all the way to the top.

Leo was with Nazo, while April was at the top of the hole with a rope ready to bring Leo back up when it was time to go.

" Leo, the sun's coming up, it's time to go " April shouted to him. " Okay, throw down the rope and I'll climb up " Leo shouted back. April threw down the rope, but when Leo started walking towards it Nazo stepped in front and started pushing Leo backwards away from the rope. " Nazo, what are you doing, I half to go " Leo said walking around Nazo and back towards the rope. As Leo started climbing, Nazo started roaring for him with a scared and worried look on his face. Leo stopped climbing, and knew what Nazo was thinking, that Leo was abandoning him here. Leo gave Nazo a sympathetic look. " Don't worry boy, I'll be back to see you at dinner, I promise " Leo said as he climbed out of the hole. " Eat the fish that I left for you okay. I'll bring more at dinner " Leo shouted to Nazo before driving April back to her home, and going back to his home.

The rest of the day flew by for Leo. He apologized to master Splinter for missing the lesson, and made up for it in his afternoon lesson. When dinner had come Raph was the first one to finish and left to go meet up with Casey. Leo was finished second and before he left he made sure to grab some more raw meat for Nazo. Leo was about to leave when he was stopped by Don and Mikey.

" Where are you going? " Don asked him.

" Just out " Leo replied.

" Training? " Mikey asked.

" No, just out " Leo replied again before pushing through his brothers and going up to the garage where they kept the battle-shell.

Don Looked at Mikey and Mikey nodded. They had come up with a plan.

Leo drove to the construction site and climbed down, leaving the rope so that he could climb back up, and walked around looking for Nazo. " Nazo, Nazo, where are you " Leo shouted. He saw that the pile of fish he had left had been eaten and were nothing but bones now, and Nazo must have made a bed where there was a pile of sawdust all piled up. Leo felt the bed, it was still warm, so Nazo must have gotten up not too long ago.

Just then Leo felt something or someone tap him on the shoulder. Leo quickly pulled out his katana and turn around, almost taking Donatello's head off in the progress. Don jumped back and Leo put away his katana.

" What are you doing here!? " Leo asked angrily.

" We wanted to come see what you were up to " Mikey said coming up beside Don.

" Mikey you too. You shouldn't be here! " Leo told his brothers.

" Why? Will it interrupted your little fight? " Don asked him.

" What are talking about!? " Leo shouted, making Mikey jump behind Don.

" Come on Leo we're not stupid, we know you've been going out to fight someone and we just wanted to see who it was " Don told Leo as he pushed him aside, causing Leo to trip and fall backwards.

Just as Leo hit the ground a growling sound came from the shadows right in front of Don. " What's that sound? " Don asked his brothers. ' Oh-No ' Leo thought to himself as he got up. He was about to reply to Don when Nazo jumped out of the shadows and started pacing back and forth. " Whoa, LEO! get down! " Don shouted tackling Leo, causing them to both fall as Mikey fell backwards at the sight of Nazo. Nazo thought that Don was attacking Leo and started to run towards the three. Don noticed and quickly got up, pulled out his bo staff and readied himself for battle.

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