How To Explain And Fight With Your Dragon

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Raph and Casey emerged from the building.

As they did so, Nazo ran in front of Leo, showing his teeth and growling loudly.

Casey stopped, frozen in fear, while Raph just pushed right through Nazo to get to Leo, causing Nazo to jump on top of Raph.

" NAZO, NO!! " Leo shouted. Nazo giving Leo confused look, but did as he asked, got off Raph and ran to Leo's side.

" LEO, YOU BETTER START TALKING!!!! " Raph said angrier then usual as he wiped dirt off of himself.

" Fine, but just so that I'm safe... " Leo began before quickly jumping on Nazo, hooking himself in, and grabbing Raph as Nazo took off, flying up to the top of the building.

Raph screamed at Leo as he hung on to Nazo's legs.

When Leo reached the top of the building, he let Nazo put Raph down on the tip top support beam.

" Let's talk in my territory " Leo finished as he and Nazo landed, but Leo still stayed on Nazo, ready to fly if Raph tried anything.

" LEO, GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!!!! " Raph yelled, trying to keep his balance as the beam moved back and forth from the wind.

" No, not until you let me explain, please Raph " Leo said as the wind started to pick up.

The wind, being stronger since they were up higher, knock Raph off the beam, and he started falling.

" RAPH, HOLD ON BRO " Leo shouted as he and Nazo began to dive after him.

Then suddenly Leo had an idea. Instead of Nazo catching Raph with his feet, Leo moved Nazo under Raph, causing Raph to land on Nazo's back. Nazo jumped a little as Raph landed on him, but Leo kept him steady.

Leo took Raph on a short flight(against Nazo's better wishes of course, being that Nazo still didn't seem to like or trust Raph) as he explained the whole story to him. When they were safely back on the ground, Raph took Casey over to the rope Leo and they had used to get down the hole.

" Okay Raph, that's the whole story, can you stop being mad now!? " Leo yelled as Raph and Casey climbed the rope.

" Leo, you lied and kept a secret from me Donnie and Mikey, and Master Splinter, your own father, how can I trust you anymore " Raph told Leo.

Then suddenly, Raph cut the rope and pulled it up to him!

Leo eyes widened and he looked back up at Raph.

" RAPH, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!! " Leo shouted as Raph started up the battle-shell.

" Ya, now if you want to come home, you'll have to bring your little dragon friend with you " Raph said as he drove off.

Leo looked over at Nazo before running to the old building. Nazo followed Leo, and found him sitting in the middle of one of the many floors of the building. Nazo walked up and nudged Leo's shell. Leo turned around and started petting Nazo's face.

" Well this is one shell of a mess I've gotten myself into isn't it boy " Leo said as Nazo nudged him and started licking his face.

" Hey, thanks boy, but I can't go home with you. Master Splinter will make me get rid of you. He thinks that a pet will distract me and my brothers from our training " Leo told Nazo.

Nazo gave Leo another confused look.

" Don't worry Nazo, I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise " Leo said as he put his hand up to show Nazo that he was making a promise.

Nazo looked at Leo's hand, then he leaned into it and made a soft humming/purring sound, just like he did when Leo first found him, only this time, Nazo's nose was the only thing that would fit in Leo's hand.

It was then and there that Leo knew that Nazo and himself had complete trust in each other. Leo could count on Nazo, but it was more important for Nazo to know that he could always count on Leo, no matter what happened.

Suddenly Nazo's soft, kind eyes turned dark and scary looking, and he started to growl loudly.

Leo turned around, only to see a group of foot ninjas with a big net and some rope.

Leo got up and quickly jumped on Nazo's back, but he didn't have enough time to hook himself in because the ninjas started charging at them.

Leo made Nazo take off but the ninjas threw the rope, which wrapped around Leo's leg, and then they pulled the rope, which caused Leo to fall off Nazo's back and come crashing to the ground.

Nazo, who didn't have anyone help control his flight, made an uncontrollable turn and slammed into a wall before crashing to the ground.

The foot ninjas threw the net over Nazo and tied Leo up. Then suddenly, the Shredder appeared.

" Shredder, I should have know, let my dragon go! " Leo shouted at him.

" Your dragon! This dragon is mine, I had him smuggled from...well that isn't important. Foot ninja take the dragon back to our headquarters, I'll take care of this freak " the Shredder said as a helicopter piloted by two other foot ninjas took Nazo and carried him away.

" NAZO!!!! " Leo screamed before being knock out by the Shredder.

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