Chapter 2: Honor Thy Father

Start from the beginning

Barry and Oliver walk into the living room and hear the news say "Over the past 15 years, Mr. Redmond has withdrawn... more than 30 million dollars from the plan's account. Mr. Redmond claims refunding the Halcyon pension plan has always been his intent. But sources say Redmond was coerced by the Vigilantes."

Barry says "This guy gets more airtime than the Kardashians, right?"

Thea says "Five years on an island and you still know who they are."

Laurel walks in and says "Only cause he's been catching up. He keeps saying it's nice to see our culture has improved while he was away." 

Barry says "Well, it's true."

Laurel walks up and kisses him and says "Sure, Honey. Sure."

Barry says "What? You don't think so."

Oliver says "You might want to back down, Barr. Our She might reconsider being with you."

Barry says "Yeah, you're right."

Laurel says "Don't tell him that." smacking upside the head.

Everyone laughs

Moira says "The city used to be different. People used to feel safe."

Thea says "Oh. What's the matter, Mom? Afraid we're gonna be next?"

Moira turns off the tv and Walter asks "Do you have any questions, Barry? It's a simple proof of life declaration. Read out a brief statement to the judge...  and your death in absentia judgment will be voided."

Barry says "It's fine, Walter. I've been in a courtroom before."

Then a voice says "Four times by my estimate. There's the DUI. The assault on that paparazzi douchebag. Stealing that taxi, which was awesome, by the way, Barr. And who could forget peeing on the cop?"

Oliver laughs

Moira says "I wish everyone would.

Barry says "I wonder never have done that if Ollie and you didn't dare me to. And We'd hang, but we're headed to court."

Tommy says "I know. It's why I'm here. One of my best friends is getting legally resurrected. I wouldn't miss this for the world."

Barry looks at Thea and Laurel and says "What about you two?"

Thea says "I think the first four times of you in court was enough for me."

Barry sighs and says "Fair enough. Love you."

Thea yells "Love you too."

They all smile.

Laurel says "I'll go with, but I have a case I need to work on and that's one of the reasons I'm going with."

Barry says "I'll take it."

Diggle walks in and says "Mrs. Queen, the car's ready."

Tommy says "Walter."

Oliver leaves and Barry motions for Tommy to go before him.

At the Courthouse

Reporter 1 says "Mr. Queen. Mr. Queen. How does it feel to return to civilization after five years?"

Barry keeps walking forward and says "It's good to be home. No more questions."

They all walk to the court leaving the press with that.

Report 2 says "What happened on that island, Mr. Queen?"

He just kept walking as he remembers Sara screaming on the boat.

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