Chapter 14: Dirty little secret?

Start from the beginning

Aurelia's POV

I feel drowsy, but at least I don't feel sick anymore, instead I feel warm and cushioned, suddenly I feel a bright light I front of me and I scrunch my eyes, trying to block it out but the light soon goes away.

"I'll get the doctor and let them now that she's awake" i hear someone say a d then a door opens and closes and I then open my eyes to see that I'm in a hospital room, amity, from the looks of it, as i take a look at my surroundings, the door then opens again and a nurse walks in with eric jot far behind her, he looks frantic, his hair is all messed up as if he's been running his hands through it.

As the door closes, he makes his way over to me and brings me into his embrace and starts kissing my forehead while whispering "you're okay, you're safe" as if to reassure himself, I was about to comfort him when I hear someone clear their throat, I bring myself out if Eric's embrace to see Doc standing there and I smile at him, he smiles back before his makes comes back on.

"Now Aurelia, Eric if you'll take a seat and I'll explain my findings to you " he says and Eric takes the chair next to me, I'm suddenly nervous to what it could be.

"Okay, after completing my examination, I've found out that Aurelia is ....... pregnant" Doc says and I swear Eric stops breathing and turns pale, "could you repeat that?" He asks and scratch that he doesn't just look pale, he looks like he's about to drop dead, which is totally unfair as I. The one who should be doing the dropping.

Doc just looks excited, "as I said it's my pleasure to announce that Aurelia is officially 1 month pregnant, congratulations to both of you, I'm sure everybody will be happy and...." I hold up my hand, I'm confused, "just hold on a second doc, how can I be pregnant? Me and Eric have used protec....." My sentence dies out as I think back, the last time me and Eric made love was about 6 weeks ago and now that I remember, we didn't use a condom. Shit.

"Oh my god!" I say and Eric looks at me, "I'm pregnant haha, this is unreal" I say as I place my hands over my stomach, I'm going to be a mother,I can't help but cry, even though I'm dauntless, I've always wanted to be a mother, I look at Eric and see that he has his poker face on.

"Eric?" I ask him, concern starting to course through me, he hasn't said much, he then just stands up and looks at me, "you can't be pregnant there has to be a mistake, I can't be the father, I...." He looks lost, "unless Aurelia has had other partners within the conceivement date, I believe that the father is you" doc says sympathetically, getting the vibe that Eric doesn't seem happy.

He then walks away and to the door and dread sits on me "where are you going?" I ask him and he stops, his shoulders tense before he opens the door and looks at me, "I doing know if I can do this, I don't know if I can be a father, fuck Aurelia" he look broken and I start crying, "please don't leave" I beg him and he looks regretful.

"I need some time" he says nothing else and walks away, I presume out of the hospital, "Eric" I yell out after him sobbing loudly, but he doesn't come back, instead mum, tris, Christina and everyone else comes in, mum and tris make their way towards me and envelop me in a hug while I cry and clutch my stomach, which now contains a life within me.

A life I've already started to love.

"Don't worry baby, I've got you, mummy's got you, always"


Eric's POV

I stalk out of the room even after she starts yelling my name, soon everyone does but I ignore them and start to run, I run where ever, not caring where I'm going, once I start to feel my lungs burn I stop and I look up to see that I'm tight in front if the stables, for some reason I'm drawn in, so I enter.

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