16} Unexpected Encounter

Start from the beginning

"Do you want to come in?" Benjamin asked, unconnecting his hug with Isabelle.

"No, I'm taking you on a date, remember?" Isabelle reminded.

"Oh, we're going right now?" Benjamin asked a bit surprised.

"Yes, you didn't think to prepare yourself once I told you?"

"That's because you let me know about it just now!" Benjamin exclaims before running inside to get ready while Isabelle chuckled. The girl patiently waited outside for the dude as Benjamin scurried like hell to hurry up.

Benjamin went to his room and whipped out clothing that would be pleasant for his surprise date. Isabelle wasn't wearing anything too formal, so Benjamin hinted that they weren't going anywhere fancy. He ended up choosing a white button shirt (leaving some buttons open to show his bare chest and to add to the hotness in this, ofc) complimented with tight navy blue jeans. After taking a quick look at himself in the mirror for approval, he ran back down to where his girlfriend remained waiting.

"Ok, I'm all ready now!" Benjamin stated, closing and locking the door behind him. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, we're going to be walking there," Isabelle replied, Benjamin pouting a bit as he now wanted to know where they would be going.

The 2 ended up walking to the mini downtown area by their neighborhood, chatting and laughing the whole way there. Benjamin kept trying to get hints out of Isabelle, but the girl kept her lips shut. They passed many stores and service buildings, Benjamin now thinking the place they're going to must be really special.

After passing various buildings, trees, sidewalks, and roads, they finally arrived at their destination.

It was a asian dine-in, take-out restaurant. Benjamin has never been to this restaurant before, which seemed to why Isabelle wanted to keep it a secret.

"Heh, it's one of my favorite places to eat Asian food, so I figured you'd want to come here, too!" Isabelle explained

The 2 enter the place. Benjamin immediately sees how fancy the place was on the inside. It was like a fast-food and a super expensive fancy restaurant mixed into one. The tables were unique and fancy and came in various sets. The walls and flooring had polished and carefully chosen wood for them. Even the ceiling looked lovely, with modern lights and precious patterns imprinted in it. The place was pretty full with many people; families, friends, and seniors all here to dine at this unique place.

"Wow, no wonder you like this place," Benjamin said, astonished, Isabelle chuckling.

I mean, it was also surprising that the 2 would come to a place like this. Isabelle was wearing a pink and yellow sundress that made Benjamin think the 2 would be going to a park or something like that. He genuinely never expected this. It is a good thing he chose to wear the white barely-buttoned shirt, which definitely fitted the place the duo were in now.

"C'mon, let's go sit at my favorite spot," Isabelle said, grabbing Benjamin's hand before walking them over to a table. This place just happened to be outside on a beautifully decorated patio. If you were there to see it (or imagine it, oof), it would look like a Spanish and Modern styled patio mixed into one. Sandy colored flooring, modern black fences, the whole ordeal. What made it even better? The patio was heavily decorated with plants, flowers, and vegetation. Greens, purples, pink, yellow and red, all the colors you'd find in a typical flower bed. Lastly, the patio had tables to dine on with umbrellas giving you shade underneath, all of them mainly being colored black. So, in summary, the couple would be dining in a modernized Spanish patio, filled to the brim like an outdoor garden, and eating Asian food. A crazy, yet lovely mix.

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