The Glade

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It was a magnificent evening.  The crickets chirped their songs of delight as a gentle rainfall signaled the start to yet another summer in the Forgotten Glade.  Lightning flashed above giving way to thunder that rumbled overhead.  The few birds on the nearby ledges of the Glade edged closer to one another.  Inside the maze-like walls of this forgotten structure, in our simple cave of pipes, was Calli, Mud, June and me--Stray.

Cali was watching the rain fall from the skies in quiet thought.  This was her third summer, and she knew all too well the rains meant fresh water down below in the Glade's rivers.

Mud stretched nearby one pipe that ran down the side of the cave walls.  He was getting ready to turn in soon after several practice jumps earlier.  He was the scout on the last hunt, and he loved getting to do his job.  

June lay on their neat bed.  She kept the house most hunts lately, but she was formidable to any kill they came across.  Her black fur glistened in the last few rays pouring into their home.

I was lying near the back of the cave, contemplating my day, and starring up at the door that led to who knows where.  "Ac...ess... Access!  Finally, I understand!  June, this must be a door leading to somewhere!"

"You don't say?"  June's sarcasm was not missed.  I move onto the next word without a beat.  "I don't understand your fascination with that ancient language."

I mock her words, "Doesn't anything spark your curiosity?"

"Plenty of things," June said without a thought.  "But you know what Matriarch Beverly said... Curiosity--"

"Curiosity killed the cat," I rehashed the old saying back.  As if I haven't heard that a thousand times.  June and I were litter mates with Matriarch Beverly's pride over in Metro Field.  The old cat prided herself in the size and structure of her group, but never did she consider the thought that some of us would actually leave.

"Beverly wasn't always right," I rolled my eyes.  "We have our own start here.  A fresh new pride to call all our own!  Look at you and Mud; you two are," I shuddered, "made for each other."

June's ears perked upright.  "Don't look so disgusted," she demanded.  She looked over at the lummox still stretching his legs.  The tips of her ears fell and her eyes softened.  "I haven't told him yet but... we are expecting."

This took my attention away from the ancient words along the door.  "What?"

June giggled.  "How could you not tell?  I've been nesting like crazy!"

"I had no idea!  Me... an uncle," the word came out a little raspy.

"Now you understand why I'm so worried about you and your," June winced, "hobby."

I smiled.  "Perhaps you're right... I just feel like there is a lot to learn about our new home.  Like, why isn't there more prides living here--why are these walls not made of wood or rock--- why is there so much ancient writing here--"

"I get it!" June yawned.

I plodded over and flopped down onto my side next to her, batting her tail playfully.  She flicked it a few times, enjoying the playful attention.  She turned her head and jumped to her feet.  She rushed over and batted my arm a few times.  "I yield," I began laughing with my ears back.

My sister smiled and gave my head a few licks like mother used to do us.  "I'm going to bed.  You should too."

I glanced a certain way, and June knew the look.  "Oh, I see," she laughed.  "Try to be a gentleman."

My ears folded in embarrassment.  I rolled my eyes as June curled into a ball on our cardboard bed.  I strolled away towards Mud; the orange-white tom was a known bad boy from our old pride.  He had the air to do what he wanted with whoever he wanted.  That is... until June.  He fell head over heels for my sister, and somehow that persona had gone with it.  Now, Mud was more of ham than he used to be, and the bad boy had settled down to family life.

"Good catch today, Mud."

"I know right?"  He grinned.  "Who knew this old place was full of rats?"

"It is an Eden, isn't it?  I wonder how it became to be that?"  I wasn't sure if Mud even cared to answer.

He jumped into the air towards me with his arms stretched far apart.  "Oh, don't start that again!  I can't handle that right now."

I stood on my back paws, ready to defend myself.  "Oh, is that all you got?"  I rolled over once Mud gave me a few wallops to the head.  "You win..."

"Of course, I do."  Mud watched me get back to my paws before rubbing down my side.  "G'night brother."

I watched as Mud went over and gave June a loving lick to the head before curling up next to her.  My attention then turned to Cali.  Oh, Cali...  she was the most beautiful ray of sunshine against any dreary night of thunder.  There she sat, starring up at the pink sky of the sunset like a hidden diamond.  She was two years my senior, but she had all the grace of a youngling.  She was similar in color to Mud, but her coat was longer--more white than orange--and she had the smallest hint of gold flecks in her eyes.  I had never seen a cat more beautiful...  and when I asked her to run away to start a pride with me and my sister?  I thought she'd say no.

But she hadn't.  She was my mate... mine alone.

I came and sat beside her as she cleaned her paws and head.  I gazed out over the Glade and it's downward spiral into endless rivers below.  Their canals now refreshed with rainwater to journey into the Glade's caverns of darkness.  The thunder returned overhead.  I saw one of Cali's ears slightly turn toward the noise.

"You're up late."

I started at her sudden voice.  I still wasn't used to her being mine...  "So are you."

She flicked her head to and fro.  Her eyes landed on me, and she gazed at me as lighting lite the sky above.  "You did well today."

"Not as good as Mud..." I chided myself rethinking on the meal that got away.  How did she know I had been thinking on that?  "I shouldn't have played with it.  How am I ever going to support us if I can't hunt?"

"I'm not helpless, Stray."  Cali sighed.  "I made us a good meal, and we ate fine.  You are too hard on yourself."

"But what if we ever..."

"What?"  Cali smiled.  "Have a family?  Like June and Mud?"

"You know?"

"Of course, I know."  Cali came closer and gave my head a gentle clean.  "She'll need help raising the new litter when the time comes... not including a little female companionship.  Let's go to bed... we have a big day tomorrow with the rains coming in."

She turned and headed for the bed.  Cali was right.  I turned and looked up at the sky one last time.  I strolled over and took my spot next to Cali who snuggled deeper into my center.  As I drifted off to sleep, I wondered how my life could get any better?

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