About the Author

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Hello there! My name is Sayed Md. Tousif Yusuf Nafi, and I am a 17-year-old aspiring writer
currently pursuing a science education at a well-known college in Bangladesh. Writing has
always held a special place in my heart, and it brings me immense joy to share my thoughts
and stories with others.
Since a young age, I have been captivated by the power of words and the art of storytelling.
It is through writing that I find an outlet for my creativity and a way to explore the depths of
my imagination. With great excitement and enthusiasm, I present to you my debut novel,
"Dream Girl on Monday."
"Dream Girl on Monday" is a product of my passion, dedication, and endless hours spent
honing my storytelling skills. In this story, I invite readers to delve into a world where dreams
intertwine with reality, and where the unexpected can lead to extraordinary encounters. It is
a tale that explores the complexities of human emotions, the fragility of fate, and the
profound connections we forge with others.
Publishing this novel is a dream come true for me. It is an opportunity to share my unique
perspective, to touch hearts, and to inspire readers with my words. However, I humbly ask
for your forgiveness if there are any mistakes or shortcomings in this book. As a young
writer, I am constantly learning and growing, and I appreciate your understanding and
support. Through the pages of "Dream Girl on Monday," I hope to ignite your imagination,
provoke thought, and take you on a transformative journey.
I am grateful for this chance to connect with readers like you and to be a part of the
wonderful world of literature. Thank you for joining me on this adventure, and I hope you
enjoy the magic that unfolds within the pages of "Dream Girl on Monday."
With warmest regards,
Sayed Md. Tousif Yusuf Nafi

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