Chapter 10: The Unfading Dream

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The world around me spun in a chaotic whirlwind as I slowly regained consciousness.
Opening my eyes, I found myself surrounded by sterile white walls and the hushed whispers
of medical professionals. Confusion clouded my mind, and I mustered the strength to rise
from the bed, yearning to find answers. A nurse rushed over, calling for the doctor, her face
a blend of concern and relief.
Fumbling for understanding, I asked her the question that haunted my thoughts: "What
happened to me?"
Gently, she explained that I had been involved in a severe accident. Another car, driven by a
girl, collided with mine at a high speed. Miraculously, both of us survived, albeit falling into
comas. Today marked the day of my awakening after months of uncertainty. Stunned, I
inquired about the girl, desperately needing to know her fate.
The nurse directed my gaze to a nearby bed, where Rose lay, her face obscured by an
oxygen mask. My heart sank, overwhelmed with a mix of gratitude for our survival and
concern for her well-being. The realization hit me like a tidal wave—it was Monday, the very
day I had seen Rose in my dreams, before my journey back home.
As I try to piece together the events leading up to the accident, a vivid memory flashes
before my eyes. I recall driving down the street, lost in my thoughts, when I caught a glimpse
of Rose passing by in her car. My heart skipped a beat as I noticed the distinctive dragon
tattoo adorning her neck, a symbol of mystery and allure.
Driven by a mix of curiosity and an unexplainable connection, I impulsively decided to follow
her. Little did I know that fate had something else in store for us. In the midst of my pursuit, a
sudden jolt of terror pierced the air as Rose's car abruptly lost control. The screeching of
brakes echoed through the street, but it was too late to avoid the collision.
The impact was unforgiving, the world spinning into chaos. I found myself trapped inside the
wreckage, my head throbbing with intense pain. Through the haze of agony, I caught a
glimpse of Rose, her body slumped over the steering wheel, unconscious and vulnerable.
In that fateful moment, our lives became irrevocably entwined, bound by the threads of
tragedy. The memories that followed dissolved into darkness, leaving only fragments of the
truth hidden within the depths of my subconscious.
Now, as I awaken from the coma, the questions intensify. What led to that ill-fated
encounter? Was it mere chance or a twist of destiny? And as I gaze upon Rose's motionless
form, I can't help but wonder if the secrets she holds will ever be unveiled, or if they will
remain forever lost in the shadows of that tragic day.
My parents, who had arrived during my unconscious state, approached me, their tears of joy
mingling with the weight of their worries. Embracing them, I struggled to comprehend the
fragility of life and the intertwining threads of fate that had brought me and Rose together.
How could everything feel so real, yet now exist as a shattered reality?
Questions plagued my mind as I reflected on the memories I shared with Rose—the stolen
moments, the deep connection, and the stolen kiss. Would Rose recognize me when she
awoke? Would the girl from my dreams be eternally lost, forever fading into the depths of
forgotten memories?
The story of our unexpected encounter, the fleeting time we spent together, and the
subsequent tragedy had left an indelible mark on my soul. As I watched over Rose's
unconscious form, a flicker of hope burned within me. Perhaps the threads of our shared
dream would intertwine once again, mending the fragments of our interrupted story.
The final chapter remains unwritten, suspended in the realm of uncertainty. But I choose to
believe in the power of connection, the strength of the human spirit, and the resilience of
dreams. Somewhere beyond the realms of the tangible, our story will find its resolution—an
ending forged by the extraordinary and the miraculous.
And so, I wait, holding onto the memories that refuse to fade, nurturing the flickering flame of
hope, and cherishing the dream that remains alive within me.
-The End

Dream Girl on MondayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora