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Space fact #1: Due to the light of stars taking so long to reach Earth, looking up at the stars at night can be considered looking back in time.

"You all are very brave for going on this mission." The administrator began, "You are a truly incredible team. Good luck up there." He nods his head, as the team in front of him salutes.

The team, known as Team Mars, was a group of childhood friends that had decided long ago to do this.

The first of the group was the Captain. Her blonde hair slightly dusty yet still shiny and beautiful. Her name was Bebe Stevens, and she confidently smiled ready to go already.

On her right was a black haired, monotone, green eyed, guinea pig haver. Craig Tucker had Stripe in his hands and already had a place for him in his suit. He was the engineer and in charge of communications.

Now came another blonde. She smiled brightly but was also slightly scared to go up into space. The name was Majorine Stotch, she had been prepared since their whole idea was thought of, yet now that they were here she had small second thoughts, but was going anyways. She's the science officer of the team.

Finally, the last was a boy with greasy black hair, but he was trying to help it nevertheless. The noirette is the first officer, aka second in command. Stan, or Stanley, Marsh smiled, not nearly as much as Bebe but he was still prepared to go.

The team walked up to their rocket and got to their seats, ready for liftoff. The countdown began once they were prepared.





Everyone reacted immediately as they shot up. The G forces increased quickly as they left Earth's atmosphere. Bebe moved only her arms, as that alone was hard enough.

She took control of the aircraft, doing as the good Captain would do and tell the others what to do.
At headquarters, the people celebrated as they had gotten to space, but that was the easiest part so far. They communicated with the team as they navigated to Mars.

So far, there was no issues. Once they had gotten out of Earth's atmosphere, the immense pressure stopped slowly but surely.

When the time came after a few hours, Craig put the ship in sleep mode, the team let autopilot take over as they slept in the ship. This only lasted a one or two Earth days though, as the team eventually seen the red planet in front of them.

Bebe clapped as much as she could in 0 gravity. Craig smiled proudly, Stan did a little "woohoo!" and Majorine smiled brightly.

After some time longer, they had landed on Mars. Before getting out they, of course, put their suits on. Majorine, however, stayed back to watch the ship.

"Sooo, what do we do now?" Stan looked over to Bebe confused.

"We have to look at the rocks and the land here, and also see if we can find anything interesting other than that!" Bebe explained.

"You're an idiot, Stan. Clearly you weren't paying attention." Craig rolled his eyes as he hopped off the shuttle.

"Hey! Fuck off!" Stan shouted, giving them all a ringing noise in their helmets.

"Don't yell, Stan! Let's just go." Bebe responds, slightly shouting but not as loud as the other.

She walked over, slow as ever, to a rock, grabbing her pickaxe and hitting it. She brought it closer to her face and put it in a bag.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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