33.The Phantom of Vendée(2)

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"The adults, fearing their own children being snatched away, kept the moppets locked up carefully in their rooms, forbidding them from venturing outside to play

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"The adults, fearing their own children being snatched away, kept the moppets locked up carefully in their rooms, forbidding them from venturing outside to play. One boy couldn't bear the loneliness and managed to sneak out while his family was working in the fields. Unlike the previous children who had gone missing, he returned in the middle of the night, terrified to the core, unable to utter a sound, as if he had witnessed something extremely horrifying. A ghastly wound, dripping with fresh blood, adorned his neck, as if he had been savagely mauled by a wild beast.

"The child barely survived, but then even weirder things occurred. He became photophobic, filled with panic. When his mother sat by his bedside to check his forehead for fever, his upper lip suddenly curled, revealing two canine teeth, about to bite her throat. After much effort, they managed to pin the child down, but he continued to have waves of spasms and convulsions, struggling desperately. People had no choice but to tightly bind his limbs to the four corners of the bed. He behaved as if possessed by a demon, incessantly foaming at the mouth and gnashing his teeth towards the air like a mad dog.

"A whole night had passed before his condition finally improved slightly. With a hoarse voice, he pleaded for someone to bring him water to drink. His older sister brought the water to him, and the boy, with teary eyes, looked at her with a pitiful gaze. Despite being particularly pale due to excessive blood loss, at this moment he appeared fairly pretty, one could even say much prettier than before. His large childlike eyes now revealed a hint of wandering desire, exuding a certain seductive meaning that made people involuntarily want to draw near and caress him.

"She approached him, smilingly holding the cup to his cracked lips, much like the beautiful Electra feeding water to her unfortunate mad brother Orestes. But at that moment, the boy abruptly knocked the cup away and bit towards her wrist. People hastily rushed to separate them, but he continued to fiercely bite, causing streams of fresh blood to ooze from around his lips, presenting a truly horrifying sight! As they eventually managed to pry his mouth open, her hand was nearly ripped off from her slender wrist. Observing the boy's maniacal laughter from afar, people believed that his teeth had become sharper on both sides.

"No one dared to approach him anymore. Later, the mother attempted to feed him water again, but he desperately cried out that he was thirsty, yet stubbornly refused to drink the water brought to his lips. After a few more appalling days had passed, this poor child finally put an end to his agonizing life. During the last few hours before his death, he continued to gasp and wail in a gravelly voice, 'Ah! I'm thirsty! So thirsty! Save me!'

"Not even two days later, the sister, who had been bitten almost to the point of disablement, began to display the same symptoms. Such a quiet, blooming young girl, who used to cover her mouth to shyly smile, now resembled an ugly demon, baring her teeth and claws. Even a slightest ray of sunlight or holy water would provoke an awful scream from her. I believe that if this beautiful maiden had even a moment of lucidity, she would willingly put an immediate end to her undignified existence! Fortunately, this victim of the devil endured for a shorter time: within three days, she drew her final breath.

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