Ending of Book 1

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*Grians pov*

As I watched over the entire war, all of my fallen comrades were killed. I walk away to sit onto my bed. Then there was a knock. "Come in," It was Scar. He comes in then sits down. As he sits next to me sharing a silence with me I scoot closer to him, soon he pulls me closer. I look at him while my wings start to puff up from being flustered. I feel his heavy heart beat and it makes me more flustered. "I want to do something but... i dont want to ruin this.."

Our lips connect. My eyes widen and my wings wrap around him, I make the most that I can do assuming that he won't want to be with me anymore. I pull away. With my blushing face he left, and left me sitting there. I eventually leave and walk out.

I walk out with my wings still puffy and my face red. Then a hand lands on my shoulder.

"Well, well, well~"
"What is it now, Mumbo?"

He pins me on the wall. "Why did you, make out with the opposing sides ruler?" My face becomes more red. "I-its just..!" He covers my mouth. "I know you love me. Your just trying to make me jealous!" He chuckles. I look him. I pull down his hand. "You know that I do-"

"Oh shut up! I know you love me.." i shove him to the ground. "No! I dont, ok? I have eyes on someone else! But please! It'd take me for every attractive person in the world for me to fall in love with you!" His mouth drops. "But-"

"No fucking buts, Mumbo,"

He tries to say something but i slap him then walk away. I walk to the valley and sigh. Thought after thought my mind was filled with thoughts that ignored anything else.

*third person* blood is here so if you want skip

As the war was going on, it was going well for the Jellians. But for the Birdians, not so well. Half of their armies bodies lie there as more joined them. Blood was spilled anywere and everywhere i could go. Mumbo had just got onto the feild and had gone crazy. He was killing multiple people, on the opposing side, Bread, she knew that they had a chance at winning.

KABOOM! A cannon ball was just fired, as m
any ran away, most still got jnjured or died. There was no way they could counter thr attack back, all they could do is forefit. "Common! WE CANT GIVE UP THAT EASILY!" Bread shouted to her teammates, muttering among themselves if they want to give up. They continue on with the war. More and more people were killed. As more died more blood spilled on the feild, more people got injured. One even bashed their head to the ground and died of that.

As scar was watching he got sick of watching after many died. He got down to the ground and walked to the valley. Thats where the two met. "Oh, pleasure seeing you here." his head shoots up. "Oh hey Scar..." Grian looked down at the ground ashamed. "Do you think we are making a right decision? Do we just tell our people to stop..?" Scar shakes his head. "We are already to commited-"

"Sir Grian, Sir Scar. Birdia forefits," Grian jods then someone runs. "WAIT WE DONT! Nevermind!"

The battle feild got more and more grusom.  More bodies where piling on another.  "We have to give up!" Jevin the chef was on the feild. Then someone fell. Its Mumbo, jevins eyes start to water. "Wake up! Mumbo wake up!" he was unresponsive. "WHITE FLAG! HURRY!!" the second hand commander picked it up and it was done. Its finished. It's all over...

Everything stoped, then there was cheering. Everyone rejoiced and danced. As the two, Scar and Grian ran up to each other. They couldn't take it anymore.

Their lips pressed and they kissed, again. Grians wings ruffled and smiled happily at Scar. "Im glad i have yoo scar," Scar nodded. "Im glad too." after that, that was history.

*imagine a transition from that time to a currant age where im telling this story*

"... so then, the two had a happy ending..." Mewtrion closed the book. He smiled at all of the people thats gathered at the library. "Thank you all so much, I truly mean it..." but then a kid raised their hand. "Yes?"

"Theres still more left in the book, Mr. Mari!"

He smirks, "Well kids, thats the end of the story time!" they all groan. "Whyy?!" "But we better get to read this book next time!" He smirked again. "oh we will dont worry child."

794 words!



anyway with that, i give you the end of part of of the tears of the prince.


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