☁️Way too PARASOCIAL!!☁️

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- Kyo Kaneko x Kyomie!! reader

Just another day of watching my favorite livers.
I was watching a Minecraft stream, starring cotton candy in the left corner.

Honestly he was my absolute favorite of them all! Maybe it was his charisma, or his voice.
I loved his humor. Maybe that was it?

I knew when I began watching him but kinda forgot. He hasn't really changed, has he?

"Good afternoon Kyo. I just wanted to say that you are my favorite streamer! I hope you feel better soon." Spoke another Kyomie through tts.

Kyo pauses for a moment before replying.
"Aww thank you very much! You're so sweet!"

It's was really weird and different to hear from his voice. Maybe only for me because I had a hard time paying close attention. But I don't think I've ever heard him soften his voice like that.

Once that happens I begin to see even more Supas, donations, and Memberships roll in at a fast pace before joining in.
I couldn't miss out on this spoiling spree.

Kyo's model's eyes widen, his mouth agape.
"What the- Holy- Huh???"

Seemingly in a trance of surprise, Kyo remains speechless before pausing Minecraft all together and beginning to thank everyone.

Then he gets to my Red Supa.

"Alright, and 'Y/N the Kyomie' thank you for the 50 dollars!" He starts before reading the message below it."Honestly this Spoiling spree is a little too parasocial for me. Sends 50 dollars."

At that the blue haired avatar's mouth opens to let out a laugh. A small smile forms on my face at the amused howling of my favorite streamer.

"You so right. Yo, that's what I'm talking about-" he says before being cut off by another set of laughter.

Oh.. so that's why.

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